RE: GSSPROXY ( for NFS with sec=krb5, krb5i , krb5p ) is development still active or is it being depreciated

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Alexander Bokovoy provided excellent answers to most of my questions on this topic
See: Thread: gssproxy  security, configuration and life-cycle questions
on gss-proxy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Remaining question:  

Prior to RHEL-9 , in the section of the gssd man page
   ( under the heading CONFIGURATION FILE ...
    ....options  that  can be set on the command line can also be controlled through 
    .... values set in the [gssd] section of /etc/nfs.conf )
there was a configuration parameter "use-gss-proxy"

why was this parameter removed from the current man page, can it be re-added ?
( apparently the parameter is still functional ... if that's the case , it should not simply be removed
  from the documentation with no commentary )


Andy Romero
Fermilab / ITD

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