Hey Bruce, During our Fedora Testing effort we have identified the following pynfs failures when testing with a kernel-2.6.33 and a very current nfs-utils... At one point I thought there was a list of known pynfs failures. If so, how does this list match up? any thing new? Anything jumping out that we really should fix? steved. [root@ibm-hs21-01 pynfs]# ./testserver.py localhost:/nfs --maketree all CID1 st_setclientid.testClientReboot : WARNING Trying to use old stateid after SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM purges state should return NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID, instead got NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID CID6 st_setclientid.testNoConfirm : FAILURE OPEN using clientid that was never confirmed should return NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID, instead got NFS4ERR_EXPIRED CIDCF2 st_setclientidconfirm.testBadConfirm : FAILURE SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM with case not covered in RFC, seems most likely should do nothing and should return NFS4_OK, instead got NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE COMP3 st_compound.testBadTags : FAILURE Compound with invalid utf8 tag '\xc0\xc1' should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4_OK COMP6 st_compound.testLongCompound : FAILURE COMPOUND with len=150 argarry got RPCError: MSG_ACCEPTED: GARBAGE_ARGS, expected NFS4ERR_RESOURCE CR13 st_create.testDots : FAILURE Trying to CREATE a dir named '.' should return NFS4_OK or NFS4ERR_BADNAME, instead got NFS4ERR_INVAL CR14 st_create.testSlash : FAILURE Creation of dir named 'CR14/foo' should return NFS4ERR_BADNAME or NFS4ERR_BADCHAR, instead got NFS4ERR_INVAL LINK4a st_link.testCfhLink : FAILURE LINK with <cfh> not a directory should return NFS4ERR_NOTDIR, instead got NFS4ERR_SYMLINK LINK8 st_link.testInvalidUtf8 : FAILURE LINK with invalid utf8 name LINK8/\xc0\xc1 should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4_OK LINK9 st_link.testDots : FAILURE Trying to make a hardlink named '.' should return NFS4_OK or NFS4ERR_BADNAME, instead got NFS4ERR_INVAL LOCK8c st_lock.testNonzeroLockSeqid : WARNING LOCK with newlockowner's lockseqid=1 should return NFS4ERR_BAD_SEQID, instead got NFS4_OK LOCK18 st_lock.testFairness : WARNING Locking is not fair LOCK19 st_lock.testBlockPoll : WARNING Locking is not fair LOCK21 st_lock.testBlockingQueue : WARNING Locking is not fair LOCK22 st_lock.testLongPoll : WARNING Locking is not fair LOOK6 st_lookup.testNonAccessable : FAILURE LOOKUP object in a dir with mode=000 should return NFS4ERR_ACCESS, instead got NFS4_OK LOOK7 st_lookup.testInvalidUtf8 : FAILURE LOOKUP object with invalid utf-8 name \xc0\xc1 should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4ERR_NOENT LOOK9 st_lookup.testUnaccessibleDir : FAILURE LOOKUP off of dir with mode=0 should return NFS4ERR_ACCESS, instead got NFS4_OK LOOKP2a st_lookupp.testLink : FAILURE LOOKUPP with non-dir <cfh> should return NFS4ERR_NOTDIR, instead got NFS4ERR_SYMLINK OPCF3a st_openconfirm.testLink : FAILURE OPEN_CONFIRM of a nonfile object should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4ERR_SYMLINK OPDG9a st_opendowngrade.testLink : WARNING OPENDOWNGRADE with nonfile object should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID OPDG9b st_opendowngrade.testBlock : WARNING OPENDOWNGRADE with nonfile object should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID OPDG9c st_opendowngrade.testChar : WARNING OPENDOWNGRADE with nonfile object should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID OPDG9d st_opendowngrade.testDir : WARNING OPENDOWNGRADE with nonfile object should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID OPDG9f st_opendowngrade.testFifo : WARNING OPENDOWNGRADE with nonfile object should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID OPDG9s st_opendowngrade.testSocket : WARNING OPENDOWNGRADE with nonfile object should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID OPEN13 st_open.testInvalidUtf8 : FAILURE Trying to open file with invalid utf8 name OPEN13/\xc0\xc1 should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4_OK OPEN16 st_open.testClaimPrev : WARNING Trying to OPEN with CLAIM_PREVIOUS should return NFS4ERR_RECLAIM_BAD, instead got NFS4ERR_NO_GRACE OPEN17 st_open.testModeChange : FAILURE Opening file OPEN17 with mode=000 should return NFS4ERR_ACCESS, instead got NFS4_OK OPEN19 st_open.testShareConflict2 : FAILURE Trying to deny write permissions to others when don't have write permissions should return NFS4ERR_ACCESS, instead got NFS4_OK OPEN23b st_open.testDenyRead3a : FAILURE Read an access_write file should return NFS4_OK, instead got NFS4ERR_IO RD4 st_read.testLargeCount : WARNING READ returned 1048576 characters, expected 9000000 RD12 st_read.testOpenMode : FAILURE READ with file opened in WRITE mode should return NFS4ERR_OPENMODE, instead got NFS4ERR_IO RDDR11 st_readdir.testUnaccessibleDir : FAILURE READDIR of directory with mode=0 should return NFS4ERR_ACCESS, instead got NFS4_OK RDDR12 st_readdir.testUnaccessibleDirAttrs : FAILURE READDIR of directory with mode=0 should return NFS4ERR_ACCESS, instead got NFS4_OK RM5 st_remove.testNonUTF8 : FAILURE Trying to remove file with invalid utf8 name RM5/\xc0\xc1 should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4ERR_NOENT RM7 st_remove.testDots : WARNING REMOVE nonexistant '.' should return NFS4ERR_BADNAME, instead got NFS4ERR_NOENT RNM8 st_rename.testBadutf8Oldname : FAILURE RENAME with non-UTF8 oldname RNM8/\xc0\xc1 should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4ERR_NOENT RNM9 st_rename.testBadutf8Newname : FAILURE RENAME with non-UTF8 newname RNM9/\xc0\xc1 should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4_OK RNM10 st_rename.testDotsOldname : WARNING RENAME from nonexistant '.' should return NFS4ERR_BADNAME, instead got NFS4ERR_NOENT RNM11 st_rename.testDotsNewname : FAILURE RENAME from nonexistant '.' should return NFS4ERR_BADNAME, instead got NFS4ERR_INVAL RNM16 st_rename.testDirToFullDir : FAILURE RENAME dir1 into existing, nonempty dir2 should return NFS4ERR_EXIST, instead got NFS4ERR_NOTEMPTY SATT1a st_setattr.testLink : FAILURE Set attrs {33: 480} not equal to got attrs {33: 511} SATT9 st_setattr.testNonUTF8 : UNSUPPORTED FATTR4_MIMETYPE not supported SATT12a st_setattr.testSizeLink : FAILURE SETATTR(FATTR4_SIZE) of a symlink should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4ERR_SYMLINK SEC6 st_secinfo.testInvalidUtf8 : FAILURE SECINFO of non-existant file with invalid utf8 name '\xc0\xc1' should return NFS4ERR_INVAL, instead got NFS4ERR_NOENT SEC7 st_secinfo.testRPCSEC_GSS : FAILURE SECINFO returned mechanism list without RPCSEC_GSS WRT5 st_write.testLargeData : FAILURE error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe ************************************************** Command line asked for 587 of 637 tests Of those: 8 Skipped, 31 Failed, 17 Warned, 531 Passed -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-nfs" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html