Why are only 8 (SECFLAVOR_COUNT) security flavors allow
per export when 13 security flavors are supported
(see flav_map[] in nfs/exports.c)?
I'm trying to create an export that supports all possible
security flavors and its erroring out with "mountd: more than
8 security flavors on an export"
SPKM3 drafts have expired, and the LIPKEY RFC is based on SPKM3 and
was never implemented. The SPKM3 implementation was used for
experimentation, but never in production anywhere and should probably
be removed from the kernel. So in reality, the list of all possible
security flavors is:
AUTH_NONE, AUTH_NULL, AUTH_SYS, AUTH_UNIX, krb5, krb5i and krb5p.
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