Hi! ---- I'm getting the following errors from nfsd in the kernel log on a regular basis: ---- snip ---- [349278.877256] nfsd: inode locked twice during operation. [349279.599457] nfsd: inode locked twice during operation. [349280.302697] nfsd: inode locked twice during operation. [349280.803115] nfsd: inode locked twice during operation. ---- snip ---- nfsd runs on "Linux 5.10.0-22-rt-686-pae #1 SMP PREEMPT_RT Debian 5.10.178-3 (2023-04-22) i686 GNU/Linux", exported filesystem is btrfs on a SSD. NFSv4.1 client is the Windows ms-nfs41-client (git #e67a792c4249600164852cfc470ac0acdb9f043b) compiling gcc under Cygwin 3.5.0. Is the nfsd issue known, and if "yes" is there a patch ? ---- Bye, Roland -- __ . . __ (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz@xxxxxxxxxxx \__\/\/__/ MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer /O /==\ O\ TEL +49 641 3992797 (;O/ \/ \O;)