Hi *
I'm looking for advice for best solution for following problem:
I have file server sharing files to diskless clients via NFS
I want have setup, where pluging ext. USB HDD will be dynamically
visible on clients as new <subdir> with HDD contents.
So if user plug USB HD on server, diskless clients should see plugged
HDD contents in dynamically created <subdirectory> with name equal to HD
label and HD contents inside it.
I already wrote udev script which auto creates subdir=<label> in NFS
server shared dir, and automounts USB HD in this subdir.
Issue is that diskless clients don't see this subdir unless I issue on
exportfs -ua
exportfs -a
Problem is that above unexporting/exporting sequence issued on server
brokes existing NFS shares between clients and server.
What is most elegant solution for such functional requirement ?
thx in advance
fn:Piotr Oniszczuk
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