Chuck Lever wrote: > Hi Kevin- > > man watch(1) Watch + today's nfsstat isn't smart enough to tell you deltas, or do rate conversion. However... PCP includes a gui tool which gives you rate conversion and graphical presentation with history and automatic scaling of any metrics. Plus you can do archive recording and playback, and remote access. Supported metrics include the existing server stats (but not the client-side per-server stats). In the absence of a useful tool like PCP, some time ago I did write a patch add some of those features (rate conversion in particular) to nfsstat. The patch gives nfsstat a mode where it behaves like "vmstat 1" or "iostat 1", i.e. textually reports deltas or rates continuously in a loop with a controllable interval. I dug it up earlier today but unfortunately it won't apply anymore (due to changes for the implementation of the --sleep mode). I won't have time to work on it just now, but I can post it if anyone cares to mine it for ideas. -- Greg Banks, P.Engineer, SGI Australian Software Group. the brightly coloured sporks of revolution. I don't speak for SGI. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-nfs" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at