Peter Staubach wrote:
Chuck Lever wrote:
Traditionally the mount command has looked for a ":" to separate the
server's hostname from the export path in the mounted on device name,
like this:
mount server:/export /mounted/on/dir
The server's hostname is "server" and the export path is "/export".
You can also substitute a specific IPv4 network address for the server
hostname, like this:
mount /mounted/on/dir
Raw IPv6 addresses present a problem, however, because they look
something like this:
Note the use of colons.
To get around the presence of colons, copy the Solaris convention used
mounting IPv6 servers by address: wrap a raw IPv6 address with square
It seems unfortunate that the convention couldn't have been to
look for the first instance of ":/" and break the strings there.
I wonder if you can ever specify an export path that does not begin with
a '/' -- is that possible when mounting an NFS server that exports, say,
an old-fashioned HFS volume?
"macintosh::Macintosh HD:Users:cel"
Looking for only the first colon gives the correct results in this case,
but looking for ":/" would not.
Likewise on FAT32:
"windows:\Documents and Settings\Chuck Lever\My Documents"
fn:Chuck Lever
org:Oracle Corporation;Corporate Architecture: Linux Projects Group
adr:;;1015 Granger Avenue;Ann Arbor;MI;48104;USA
title:Principal Member of Staff
tel;work:+1 248 614 5091