Re: linux-next: duplicate patches in the tip tree

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Hi Andrew,

On Tue, 11 Mar 2025 02:02:40 -0700 Andrew Morton <akpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yup, thanks.  I trust it's not too much effort to simply skip the
> mm.git copies?

Not now that I have done it once ("git rerere" remembers my previous
merge resolutions).  Unless, of course, more changes are made to the
files involved ...

> There's presumably a better way of doing this, but it's really the
> first time it has happened in N years so it isn't obviously worth
> investing in setting something up.

This is why we have shared stable branches.  If the tip guys have all
those commits in a branch that they guarantee will not rebase (or be
rewritten), then you could fetch that branch and merge it into your
tree somewhere.  In this case, since we are beyond -rc6 and I presume
you are starting to think about your stable branches, you could start
mm-stable and merge it in there.  I assume that mm-unstable is always
based on top of mm-stable, right?  So the patches that depend on (or
clash with) the common commits will be rebased on top of the common

Stephen Rothwell

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