Hello Vitalii, This isn't my area of expertise, but I think I know enough to explain. In early boot, the kernel initializes graphical output with, at most, VESA graphics adapters utilizing Serial output. This is a limited text only mode that even with a Z80 or ATMEGA does not pose a burden, let alone on the minimum hardware requirements for the Linux kernel. The time, cycle count, power usage, and other requirements for this stage are practically imperceptible. By the time later graphics come into play like you would see with Plymouth the kernel has already entered into a multithreaded mode and such actions are being offloaded to appropriate hardware and are not impeding the rest of the boot process. Hope this helps. On Sun, Feb 9, 2025 at 12:03 PM Vitalii <skikunvitalii07@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > When the display is turned off, the rendering of graphics is skipped, > speeding up the pc. When the currently running command returns any > exit code or when the display is turned on, the rendering of graphics > occurs, setting the speed of the pc back to normal. >