Debian Sarge; two single layer DVD set bought on eBay.. Packed well with very nice printed labels and both mounted and read easily with two separate machines and DVD devices; a HP DVD-300i and Plextor PK-708A, both relatively new and not overworked.. Tried installing, twice, on a Cyrix III/600mHz CPU; 256mB SDRAM; 8gB freshly partitioned HD and a c.2000 BIOS.. Both trys stalled on DVD#1, so I used the distributions "Check the CDRoms Integrity" program and both failed at different points in the run.. Thought; must be bad burns??? Not wanting to complain if there is another reason I tried on another machine: Duron 1.3gHz CPU; 512mB SDRAM; freshly partitioned 12gB on a 40gB HD, this one with the Plextor PK-708A device and c.2000 BIOS... DVD#1 passed the Integrity run but #2 failed at around 90% of the checksum run... So no install that machine either.. I got to thinking that I didn't want to complain to the vendor if the problem was a single file that I would never need anyway, but how to work around this; if possible?? Could it be that all files must be perfect to install Debian Sarge?? The vendor charged only pennies above what the blanks cost so can I really complain?? Are single layer DVD's that critical with data?? TIA... -- Hal - in Terra Alta, WV/US - Slackware GNU/Linux 10.1 (2.4.29) . - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-newbie" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at Please read the FAQ at