for a specific benchmarking setup, we would like to receive a single
multicast sent from machine A on two interfaces (physical NICs) within
another machine B. The two NICs in B have IPs within different subnets.
The benchmark runs two threads which both join the same IP multicast
group (struct ip_mreqn.imr_multiaddr), but bind them to different
interfaces (struct ip_mreqn.imr_address). This works fine from the
benchmark perspective, BUT: the datagrams are actually only received via
the first interface to which the IP multicast group is bound (this was
determined by looking at /proc/interrupts and with ifconfig).
While this makes perfect sense for normal operation, as it avoids
receiving the same data twice, we would really like to have both
interfaces receive and process the multicast data.
Is there any way to do achieve this? I'm currently looking at
net/ipv4/igmp.c to understand where this "interface joining" is done,
but any input is welcome.
thanks, Joachim
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