sting wrote:
The last line is supposed to send all unmatched traffic the band 2.
However when trying to issue this command I get the following error
(for me the parent is 1: and the class I want to send it to is 1:3):
> tc filter add dev wlan0 protocol ip parent 1: prio 2 flowid 1:3
> Unknown filter "flowid", hence option "1:3" is unparsable
To answer myself, I found two ways:
1/ Correct the tc filter command above to add a match that always
matches (obviously), such as:
tc filter add dev wlan0 protocol ip parent 1: protocol ip prio 1 u32
match u32 0 0 flowid 1:3
You /have/ to provide 'handle' option for fw filter, so it knows about
the mark, eg:
tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 1: handle 10 prio 2 fw flowid 1:3
In the above, handle will match packets mark == 10 . The idea in the
(old!) lartc faq was to skip that and mark anything, but it doesn't
work. Alternatively, you can use -j CLASSIFY in iptables to set it
earlier. Also, some schedulers (such as hfsc) allow doing that in root
If you're going to dwell into u32 filter, be sure to check (as LARTC faq
is really outdated and inaccurate in this regard):
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