I'm in the process of trying to spec hardware for a very high-volume
environment and trying to get some grasp for what kind of performance
I can expect. My apologies if this is not the correct list for that
sort of query, and any anecdotal information would be appreciated.
Here's what I'm working with:
* Building boxes to sit at the edge of the network and handle all
traffic between the outside world (Internet) and the downstream
servers. We're using IP forwarding (no NAT).
* CentOS 4 or 5 (whichever is recommended) with latest available
* Dell 1950 machines with built-in BCM5708-based NICs using the bnx2
* We're probably going to use Intel Pro/1000 MT dual-port PCI-X card
based on the 82545 chipset instead of Broadcom, because we've
typically seen better performance and reliability from Intel Ethernet
devices--looking for other opinions on this.
* Netfilter enabled with ip_conntrack--ipconntrack_netbios_ns (could
remove if it impacts performances), xt_state (what's this?)--and
* A userland daemon hooking ip_queue to do DNS lookups on each SYN.
It returns either ACCEPT or DROP to the kernel. The daemon is multi-
threaded so that the DNS queries aren't serial.
* Expected load across the environment will be roughly 120,000,000
incoming TCP connection attempts per day, bursting up to 250,000,000
some days.
* These TCP connections are sending data to us. Outgoing TCP
connections and outgoing data are expected to be very low in
comparison to the inbound data.
* Even with caching, there may be roughly one outgoing DNS query per
incoming connection--these should be (nearly) all UDP.
* Roughly 80% of the connection attempts will probably be
intentionally DROPped. The remaining 20% will probably last less than
a second on average, probably a few seconds at most. There should be
roughly 10KB of data transfered per connection, up to a few MB in rare
I'm trying to get an idea for roughly how much traffic we can
reasonably expect one box to handle. How many SYNs could we expect a
machine to inspect per hour, how many simultaneous TCP states could we
expect to handle flowing traffic, etc.
Any input based on high-volume environments is very welcome.
PS For bonus points, could anyone offer directions on how to
I'd prefer to STEAL the packet and send an active rejection, rather
than DROP it on the floor.
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