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I can ping ipv6 hosts from the router, but when i start radvd and all clients
gets their addresses then i can't ping the router, even with firewall
Some tests i've done:

# the client
[~]$ uname -a
Linux raver #10 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jun 18 11:39:35 CEST 2007 x86_64
[~]$ ip -6 addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,10000> mtu 16436
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
5: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,10000> mtu 1500 qlen 1000
inet6 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe/64 scope global dynamic
valid_lft 2591780sec preferred_lft 604580sec
inet6 fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
[~]$ ip -6 route
2001:1418:160::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 expires 2591937sec mtu
1500 advmss 1440 hoplimit 4294967295
fe80::/64 dev eth0 metric 256 expires 21333200sec mtu 1500 advmss 1440
hoplimit 4294967295
ff00::/8 dev eth0 metric 256 expires 21333200sec mtu 1500 advmss 1440
hoplimit 4294967295
default via fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a dev eth0 proto kernel metric 1024
expires 1575sec mtu 1500 advmss 1440 hoplimit 64

# the router
[/]# uname -a
Linux OpenWrt #13 Fri Jun 22 01:12:22 CEST 2007 mips unknown
[/]# ip -6 addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,10000> mtu 16436
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,10000> mtu 1500 qlen 1000
inet6 2001:1418:160::1/64 scope global
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
6: sixxs@NONE: <POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP,10000> mtu 1280
inet6 2001:1418:100:a5::2/64 scope global
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::5231:3e3b/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::c0a8:1/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
[/]# ip -6 route
2001:1418:100:a5::/64 via :: dev sixxs metric 256 expires 42880940sec
2001:1418:160::/64 dev eth0 metric 256 expires 42880901sec
fe80::/64 dev eth0 metric 256 expires 42880902sec
fe80::/64 via :: dev sixxs metric 256 expires 42880941sec
ff00::/8 dev eth0 metric 256 expires 42880902sec
ff00::/8 dev sixxs metric 256 expires 42880941sec
default via 2001:1418:100:a5::1 dev sixxs metric 1024 expires 42880941sec
unreachable default dev lo metric -1 error -128

# ping6 from the client while dumping traffic on the router
[~]$ ping6 -c1 2001:1418:160::1
PING 2001:1418:160::1(2001:1418:160::1) 56 data bytes
From 2001:1418:160::1 icmp_seq=1 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable

--- 2001:1418:160::1 ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors, 100% packet loss, time 0ms

[/]# tcpdump -n ip6
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
09:24:42.170772 IP6 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe > ff02::1:ff00:1: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has 2001:1418:160::1, length 32
09:24:42.359939 IP6 2001:1418:160::1 > 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe:
ICMP6, neighbor advertisement, tgt is 2001:1418:160::1, length 32
09:24:42.172267 IP6 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe > 2001:1418:160::1:
ICMP6, echo request, seq 1, length 64
09:24:42.172753 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a >
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6, redirect, 2001:1418:160::1 to
2001:1418:160::1, length 152
09:24:42.174771 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff00:1: ICMP6, neighbor
solicitation, who has 2001:1418:160::1, length 32
09:24:43.174664 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff00:1: ICMP6, neighbor
solicitation, who has 2001:1418:160::1, length 32
09:24:44.174715 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff00:1: ICMP6, neighbor
solicitation, who has 2001:1418:160::1, length 32
09:24:45.174723 IP6 2001:1418:160::1 > 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe:
ICMP6, destination unreachable[|icmp6]
09:24:47.164692 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a >
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6, neighbor solicitation, who has
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:24:47.170023 IP6 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe >
fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a: ICMP6, neighbor advertisement, tgt is
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 24
09:24:47.170449 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a >
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6, redirect, fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a
to fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 112
09:24:47.174773 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:24:48.164693 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a >
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6, neighbor solicitation, who has
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:24:48.167953 IP6 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe >
fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a: ICMP6, neighbor advertisement, tgt is
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 24
09:24:48.168201 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a >
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6, redirect, fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a
to fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 112
09:24:48.174728 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:24:49.164638 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a >
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6, neighbor solicitation, who has
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:24:49.166594 IP6 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe >
fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a: ICMP6, neighbor advertisement, tgt is
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 24
09:24:49.166842 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a >
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6, redirect, fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a
to fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 112
09:24:49.174734 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:24:50.184732 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff4f:cbe: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:24:50.510712 IP6 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe >
fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a: ICMP6, neighbor advertisement, tgt is
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:24:50.514854 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:24:51.184671 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff4f:cbe: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:24:51.187468 IP6 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe >
fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a: ICMP6, neighbor advertisement, tgt is
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:24:51.514678 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:24:52.184659 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff4f:cbe: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:24:52.186516 IP6 2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe >
fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a: ICMP6, neighbor advertisement, tgt is
2001:1418:160:0:20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:24:52.514724 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:25:35.038757 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1: ICMP6, router
advertisement, length 80

30 packets captured
60 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

# same thing but with link addresses
[~]$ ping6 -c1 -I eth0 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a
PING fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a(fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a) from
fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe eth0: 56 data bytes
From fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a icmp_seq=1 Destination unreachable: Address

--- fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors, 100% packet loss, time 0ms

[/]# tcpdump -n ip6
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
09:28:21.081758 IP6 fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:28:21.083492 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6,
neighbor advertisement, tgt is fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:28:21.084629 IP6 fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe > fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a: ICMP6,
echo request, seq 1, length 64
09:28:21.084983 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6,
redirect, fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a to fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 152
09:28:21.094723 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:28:22.094669 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:28:23.094664 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:28:24.094710 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6,
destination unreachable[|icmp6]
09:28:26.074671 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:28:26.078375 IP6 fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe > fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor advertisement, tgt is fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 24
09:28:26.078693 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6,
redirect, fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a to fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 112
09:28:26.084732 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:28:27.074692 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:28:27.079983 IP6 fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe > fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor advertisement, tgt is fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 24
09:28:27.080230 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6,
redirect, fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a to fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 112
09:28:27.084766 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:28:28.074642 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:28:28.076157 IP6 fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe > fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor advertisement, tgt is fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 24
09:28:28.076398 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe: ICMP6,
redirect, fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a to fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 112
09:28:28.084715 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:28:29.094676 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff4f:cbe: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:28:29.096620 IP6 fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe > fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor advertisement, tgt is fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:28:29.104730 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:28:30.094702 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff4f:cbe: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:28:30.097773 IP6 fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe > fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor advertisement, tgt is fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:28:30.104713 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:28:31.094726 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff4f:cbe: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32
09:28:31.104731 IP6 fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a > ff02::1:ff01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a, length 32
09:28:31.391335 IP6 fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe > fe80::213:10ff:fe01:c52a: ICMP6,
neighbor advertisement, tgt is fe80::20d:29ff:fe4f:cbe, length 32

29 packets captured
61 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

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