Originally to: All I'm trying to use the gcc compiler on Suse Linux 9.0 straight from the command line. I'm a windows refugee, so please be gentle. I have a bunch of c code with appropriate headers and a Makefile.in and a Makefile.am. I'm really new to this, and having trouble undersatnding the theory behind the compilation process, obviouisly affecting my ability to get this to work. I've tried: make makefile.in from the directory in which the files reside, getting the message "nothing to be done" which I understand, since the makefile is supposed to keep track of only those things that have changed. make makefile.am same thing as makefile.in gcc makefile.in "unrecognized file extension" gcc cfile.c -main c file, although there are lots of others Here I get lots of errors, all relating to not found/not declared elements. So, my assumption was that I could just "execute" a compile with the makefile, which would control the process. This seems not to be the case, or if it is, I can't seem to find out how. Your help would be greatly appreciated. I've been reading for a few hours on this and can't seem to get the answer. Thanks again! --- þ RIMEGate(tm)/RGXPost V1.14 at BBSWORLD * Info@bbsworld.com --- * RIMEGate(tm)V10.2áÿ* RelayNet(tm) NNTP Gateway * MoonDog BBS * RgateImp.MoonDog.BBS at 11/29/03 8:28:02 PM (PCBGate): RelayNet þ MoonDog BBS Brooklyn, NY (900:100/50) - : send the line "unsubscribe linux-net" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html