Hi, I am using ipsec connection between Linux 2.6 and 2.4 with ipsec backport. Because my 2.4 end is on very low end 486, I'd like to use encryption algorithm with smallest CPU usage. How do I test encryption speeds? If I think right, the faster encryption speed, the less CPU is used to encrypt 128kbit/s flow. When using Freeswan patched with additional algorithms, every module had a 'test' parameter, which performed benchmark on module load time. With this parameter I've got following speeds (on duron 850 cpu): Encryption Decryption Blowfish 37 000 KB/s 36 900 KB/s AES 32 900 KB/s 32 900 KB/s CAST 32 800 KB/s 32 800 KB/s Serpent 22 000 KB/s 22 000 KB/s 3DES 7 600 KB/s 7 600 KB/s Are they roughly the same for cryptoapi ciphers? -- Tomasz Torcz Only gods can safely risk perfection, zdzichu@irc.-nie.spam-.pl it's a dangerous thing for a man. -- Alia |> Playing: track06.cdda.ogg ... - : send the line "unsubscribe linux-net" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html