In article <20020122142506.GG3823@> you wrote: > $ ls /proc/net/devices/eth0 > speed_10 speed_100 speed_auto link_status > full_duplex half_duplex media_type > And then to see what's being used atm: Actually I was thinking about something along the line for net-tools, too. Because for example the ioctl on NIC IO Address do not work well with PCI, there is no link status access and even the counters for various errors in the kernel get merged into one "frame errors" sum. All those could be exported easyly by a tagged proc interface. I prefer this over the netlink way of doing it, especially for those config This is also good for virtual devices or strange protocl families. all of them can have their own nfo and do not need to "force" their parameters into some not-so.-generic ip structures. This will also support multiple addresses for ipv4 and so on. Greetings Bernd - : send the line "unsubscribe linux-net" in the body of a message to More majordomo info at