Hello, Making a rcp (or rsh) from a linux workstation (Red Hat 7.1) with 2.4.x kernel [2.4.4 SMP, 2.4.6 SMP, 2.4.7 UP and SMP] to a unix workstation (Unixware 2.1.3 or Red hat 5.2 [kernel 2.0.36]) connect via router and a dial-up WAN connection (independent whether the line is up or have to be dialed) the first try of rcp mostly failed, the second try mostly works and the third try success nearly every time. Using rcp is only an example, tcp connections between two informix database also often failed (no problems if the workstation uses a 2.2.x kernel). No problem exists if the remote workstation is in the same LAN (no router). If it is a point of interest: The router are Ascend Max 2000 and Pipeline 50. To keep it simple I have changed all names of 2.4.x workstations to [linux24x] and all other workstations to [remote]. Typical tests to show the problem (second try succeeded): (leave some minutes between the tests but no time between the two rcp/rsh) [linux24x]:klaus:~$ rcp /home/klaus/mbox [remote]:/tmp rcp: lost connection [linux24x]:klaus:~$ rcp /home/klaus/mbox [remote]:/tmp [linux24x]:klaus:~$ [linux24x]:klaus:~$ rcp /home/klaus/mbox [remote]:/tmp rcmd: [remote]: Connection reset by peer [linux24x]:klaus:~$ rcp /home/klaus/mbox [remote]:/tmp [linux24x]:klaus:~$ [linux24x]:klaus:~$ rcp /home/klaus/mbox [remote]:/tmp rcmd: [remote]: short read[linux24x]:klaus:~$ [linux24x]:klaus:~$ rcp /home/klaus/mbox [remote]:/tmp [linux24x]:klaus:~$ [linux24x]:klaus:~$ rsh [remote] "rm /tmp/mbox" poll: protocol failure in circuit setup [linux24x]:klaus:~$ rsh [remote] "rm /tmp/mbox" [linux24x]:klaus:~$ Kernel and other information: ----------------------------- Kernel with most testing is a 2.4.6 with linux-2.4.6-xfs-07052001.patch.bz2 (but I don't think xfs has something to do with this problem). Workstation is a dual 1 GHz Pentium III (Coppermine) with 1 GByte Memory, network is an Inter EtherExpress 100, storage is a RAID 5 on an IPC GDT8543RZ. Output of /usr/src/linux/scripts/ver_linux: If some fields are empty or look unusual you may have an old version. Compare to the current minimal requirements in Documentation/Changes. Linux [linux24x] 2.4.6-xfs-2 #4 SMP Fri Jul 20 16:15:31 CEST 2001 i686 unknown Gnu C 2.96 Gnu make 3.79.1 binutils util-linux 2.10s mount 2.10r modutils 2.4.2 e2fsprogs 1.19 reiserfsprogs 3.x.0f PPP 2.4.0 Linux C Library 2.2.2 Dynamic linker (ldd) 2.2.2 Procps 2.0.7 Net-tools 1.57 Console-tools 0.3.3 Sh-utils 2.0 Modules Loaded Output of `uname -a` from other kernel versions: Linux [linux24x] 2.4.6-xfs-4 #6 SMP Wed Jul 25 09:41:17 CEST 2001 i686 unknown Linux [linux24x] 2.4.7-xfs #1 Wed Jul 25 11:45:34 CEST 2001 i686 unknown BTW kernel compiler is kgcc (egcs-2.91.66) and not gcc (2.96). Output of cat /proc/version: Linux version 2.4.6-xfs-2 (root@lxbackup) (gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)) #4 SMP Fri Jul 20 16:15:31 CEST 2001 Output of a tcpdump of the connections, .config and lspci etc. as attachment. [linux24x]:root:/root# traceroute [remote] traceroute to [remote] (10.10.y.y), 30 hops max, 38 byte packets 1 [router-local] (10.1.x.x) 2.562 ms 2.590 ms 3.502 ms 2 [router-remote] (10.10.y.y) 58.496 ms 63.939 ms 85.273 ms 3 [remote] (10.10.y.z) 63.732 ms 56.412 ms 56.780 ms If You need more information please ask. TIA Klaus
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