What is the status of "destination loose udp" and ip masquerade in linux 2.4? I was recently installing a DSL firewall for some friends and could not get Asheron's call to work for them under linux 2.4 (tried writing a few iptable rules that didn't work). Information found under some searches revealed this was because MSN's zone requires F_DLOOSE. This was a sysctl accessible flag in 2.2.18, but rgreping in the 2.4 source found nothing. , ,,, ,, , , ,,;:.. . .. .... . .. '"~[teknoDragon]#@*+=- /~~~\ tek[technoPagan]nOHpAyGaN -[ -.+ ]- <alive method="objective" \ ~ / query="truth">I am</alive> *** \-->> http://technopagan.dhs.org/ <<--// -=- -=- - = - - == - - = - -=- -=- - : send the line "unsubscribe linux-net" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org