Re: [PATCH v3 2/3] mtd: spi-nor: add 4bit block protection support

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Hi Michael,

On 30/01/20 1:47 pm, Jungseung Lee wrote:

>>>>>>>>>  	/*
>>>>>>>>>  	 * Need smallest pow such that:
>>>>>>>>>  	 *
>>>>>>>>> @@ -1908,7 +1972,17 @@ static int stm_lock(struct
>>>>>>>>> spi_nor
>>>>>>>>> *nor,
>>>>>>>>> loff_t ofs, uint64_t len)
>>>>>>>>>  	 *   pow = ceil(log2(size / len)) = log2(size)
>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> floor(log2(len))
>>>>>>>>>  	 */
>>>>>>>>>  	pow = ilog2(mtd->size) - ilog2(lock_len);
>>>>>>>>> -	val = mask - (pow << SR_BP_SHIFT);
>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>> +	if (nor->flags & SNOR_F_HAS_SR_BP3) {
>>>>>>>>> +		val = ilog2(nor->n_sectors) + 1 - pow;
>>>>>>>> Why do you use a new calculation here? As far as I can
>>>>>>>> see,
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> method is
>>>>>>>> the same except that is has one bit more. That also
>>>>>>>> raises
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> question why
>>>>>>>> n_sectors is now needed?

Flash devices have variable sector size, 64KB, 128KB or 256KB... While
mapping of number of sectors locked to BP bits is dependent on rules 1
to 3 you mentioned below, the size or area of flash protected depends on
sector size.

So, the current formula in spi-nor.c (ignoring TB and other boilerplate):

pow = ilog2(mtd->size) - ilog2(lock_len);
val = mask - (pow << shift);

This works only for devices with 64KB sector size as 8MB flash with 64KB
sector size would have 128 sectors (BP0-2 => 0b111 => 2^7).

A more generic formula would be:

Find n where 2^(n - 1) = len/sector-size
OR 2^ (n - 1) = len * n_sectors / mtd->size

Which solves to:

pow = ilog2(mtd->size) - ilog2(lock_len);
val = ilog2(nor->n_sectors) + 1 - pow;

I see this is what Jungseung has tried to implement here.  Please
correct me if I got this wrong.

This, combined with point (3) below should provide a generic
implementation that should support a wide variety of flashes.

Of course, there are always exceptions and they need to be handled using
custom hooks.

I don't have the patch that you shared with Jungseung. I would greatly
appreciate, if you and Jungseung could work on patch with above logic as
well as fixes to handle overflow case?

Thanks a lot Jungseung and Michael for your efforts!


>>>>>>>> Can't we just initialize the mask with
>>>>>>>> mask = SR_BP2 | SR_BP1 | SR_BP0;
>>>>>>>> if (nor->flags & SNOR_F_HAS_SR_BP3)
>>>>>>>>     mask |= SR_BP3_BIT5;
>>>>>>>> do the calculation and checks and then move the
>>>>>>>> SR_BP3_BIT5
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> SR_BP3_BIT6
>>>>>>>> if SNOR_F_HAS_SR_BP3_BIT6 is set.
>>>>>>> For most of flashes that supporting BP0-2, the smallest
>>>>>>> protected
>>>>>>> portion is fixed as 1/64
>>>>>>> and it can be properly handled by existing
>>>>>>> calculation. (Actually it's not fully generic, see flashes
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> w25q40bw or m25p80. Of course, it doesn't have
>>>>>>> flag
>>>>>>> even though it has BP0-2 bit in SR)
>>>>>> No. The rules are always the same wether there are three or
>>>>>> four
>>>>>> BP
>>>>>> bits (the example in stm_lock() has not enough information on
>>>>>> this):
>>>>>> (1) the first setting (besides 0) protects one sector. The
>>>>>> second
>>>>>>      protects 2, the third 4 and so on. eg 2^N
>>>>>> (2) the last setting is _always_ protect all, just like the
>>>>>> '0'
>>>>>> setting
>>>>>>      is always protect none.
>>>>>> (3) if there is an overflow because there are no more free
>>>>>> slots
>>>>>> for
>>>>>>      further settings (for 3 bits with flashes > 32MBit, for
>>>>>> 4
>>>>>>      bits if should be flashes > 16GBit), the first entry
>>>>>> will be
>>>>>>      discarded (eg the very first is the "just one sector"
>>>>>> entry).
>>>>>> This is true for all flashes which uses this kind of setting,
>>>>>> have a
>>>>>> look at the m25p80 or w25q40bw, these are no exception. It is
>>>>>> just
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> notation "lower 1/64" which is only true for flashes which
>>>>>> either
>>>>>> overflows in (3) or fill all entries (eg. with 3bits that
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> 32Mbit version).
>>>>> Looks like you noticed that we need new calculation method that
>>>>> would
>>>>> be based on n_sectors :).
>>>> No it will work without that (if I'm not mistaken). Give me some
>>>> time
>>>> and I'll post a patch.
>>> No, it must be based on n_sectors. To make 4bit block protection
>>> more
>>> generic, the lock sector size must NOT fixed as 64KB (as can be
>>> checked
>>> from your patch). See "mt35xu02g" and check the protected area and
>>> number of sectors from it's datasheet.
>> There is no public datasheet as far as I can see. And yes, actually
>> n_sectors is my "mtd-size / sector_size". But I don't see how
>> n_sectors
>> would help if the sector size changes.
>>> The rule you mentioned "the first setting (besides 0) protects one
>>> sector" is alawys true for *4bit* block protection. That's why I
>>> choose
>>> n_sectors for new calculation.
>> And how does flashes behave once all the free slots are full? It was
>> the
>> same with the 3bit flashes, they only overflowed with "newer"/bigger
>> flashes.
>>>>> Rule (1) is NOT true for some flashes
>>>>> supporting BP0-2 and that's why I said that smallest protected
>>>>> portion
>>>>> is fixed as '1/64' for these flashes.
>>>> No, you have to apply rule (3). (1) is only the starting point.
>>>> It
>>>> is
>>>> kind
>>>> of a sliding window.
>>>>> See this one.
>>>>> W25Q20EW	256KB	1/4 ... = 64KB		BP2
>>>>> W25Q128JV	16MB	1/64 ... = 256KB	BP2 <--
>>>>> S25FL132K	4MB	1/64 ... = 64KB		BP2 <--
>>>>> S25FL164K	8MB
>>>>> 1/64 ... = 128KB	BP2 <--
>>>> All these flashes need (3) to be applied, thus (1) doesn't apply
>>>> anymore.
>>>> Let me give you an example for the 64MBit case, the settings
>>>> would
>>>> be:
>>>> 0 sectors (corresponds to protect none)
>>>> 1 sector
>>>> 2 sectors
>>>> 4 sectors
>>>> 8 sectors
>>>> 16 sectors
>>>> 32 sectors
>>>> 64 sectors
>>>> 128 sectors (corresponds to protect all)
>>>> Unfortunately, we have only 8 slots (because 3 BP bits),
>>>> therefore
>>>> we
>>>> have
>>>> to discard some setting. According to rule (2) 0 is always
>>>> "protect
>>>> none"
>>>> and 7 is always "protect all". Thus we have 6 settings left.
>>>> According
>>>> to
>>>> rule (3) we discard the first ones. In this case, this is the "1
>>>> sector"
>>>> setting. Thus we end up with the following possible settings:
>>>> 0 sectors (corresponds to protect none)
>>>> 2 sectors
>>>> 4 sectors
>>>> 8 sectors
>>>> 16 sectors
>>>> 32 sectors
>>>> 64 sectors
>>>> 128 sectors (corresponds to protect all)
>>>> If you have a 128Mbit flash, the next setting that would be
>>>> discarded
>>>> is
>>>> "2 sectors". Thus it would start with:
>>>> 0 sectors (corresponds to protect none)
>>>> 4 sectors
>>>> [..]
>>>> 256 sectors (corresponds to protect all)
>>>> Another example W25Q20EW, following possible settings:
>>>> 0 sectors (corresponds to protect none)
>>>> 1 sector
>>>> 2 sectors
>>>> 4 sectors (corresponds to protect all)
>>>> We now have less settings then our 8 possible slots. So this is
>>>> where
>>>> rule (1) applies, because according to that the "1 sector"
>>>> setting is
>>>> the first possible setting besides 0.
>>>> And this also applies to the 4 bit protection bits.
>>>>> W25Q256JV	32MB	1/512 ... =
>>>>> 64KB	BP3
>>>>> S25FL128L	16MB	1/256 ... = 64KB	BP3
>>>>> S25FL256L	32MB	1/512 ... = 64KB	BP3
>>>>> In current BP implementation, block protection is just working
>>>>> for
>>>>> some
>>>>> flashes that has smallest protected portion as '1/64'.
>>>> No its currently working for all except flashes smaller than
>>>> 32Mbit.
>>> No. Not working for flashes supporting 4bit block protection.
>>>> Applied to the 4 bits, this would mean "it works for all except
>>>> flashes
>>>> smaller than 8Gbit" which are practially all. As I said, this is
>>>> a
>>>> bug
>>>> and once this bug is fixed, there should be no difference between
>>>> 3
>>>> and 4 bits.
>>>> -michael
>>> The exact fact is that locks operate in two different ways
>>> according to
>>> flash model.
>>> (1) the smallest protected portion is fixed.
>>> 	for BP0-2 : 1/64
>>> 	for BP0-1 : 1/4
>> As mentioned earlier, the ratio nomenclature is missleading and only 
>> valid if the table is completely filled up.
>> Take a flash with 128kB and three BP bits (or even only two BP
>> bits). 
>> The
>> smallest portion will be 64kB (which is one sector and not 1/64).
>> Thus the smallest portion is always one sector, unless the table is
>> overflowing, then the smallest will settle to 1/4 (for two), 1/64
>> (for 
>> three)
>> and 1/16384 (for four bits).
>>> (2) the smallest protected portion is inversely propotional with
>>> number
>>> of sectors.
>>> For the flashes supporting 3bit block protection, (1) and (2) are
>>> mixed
>>> and used. But all the flashes supporting 4bit block protection
>>> listed
>>> on spi-nor.c, only (2) is used.
>> It is not mixed it just depends on the flash size (and the number of
>> protection bits).
> It is mixed. Let's compare "en25qh128" from EON with "w25q128jv" from
> Winbond. They have the same capacity(128MBit) and also supporting 3bit
> block protection. (Note that the named BP3 bit of "en25qh128" is
> working exactly same with T/B bit.)
> "en25qh128" is following (2) and "w25q128jv" is following (1). It seems
> impossible to distinguish them by the flash size or the number of
> protection bits. 
> I also still have no idea how your three rules are applicable for 2bit
> block protection (bp0-1).
>>> Each method requires each formula. I have no idea how to handle it
>>> with
>>> one formula (probably adding number of exceptional handling?)
>>> without
>>> any sectional flag. "w25q128jv(bp0-2)" is following (1) and
>>> "n25q128a(bp0-3)" is following (2).
>> Well one uses three BPs the other four, and they all follow the
>> three 
>> rules
>> above. Did you try my patch? Because I've (at least in userspace)
>> tested
>> it with 4 bits and got the correct results.
>> And yes, its actually two different formulas, but not for 3 and 4
>> bits like in your patch. 
> The title of my patch is "add 4bit block protection support". I just
> let 3bit block protection as it is, I've implemented something what I
> could check. As I mentioned, for all the flashes supporting 4bit block
> protection only (2) is used and this patch has been implemented based
> on this fact.
>> It is rather one formula (A) for flashes which don't 
>> exhaust
>> the BP bits (eg. for 3 bits this would be flashes <= 16Mbit and for
>> 4 
>> bits
>> this would be for flashes <=8Gbit) and one (B) for the flashes where 
>> every
>> BP bit combination is used. What is at the moment in the kernel is
>> the
>> second one, thus it will fail for flashes <= 16Mbit and 3 BP bits;
>> and 
>> it
>> also fails for all flashes with 4 bits. My patch does a fixup on (B)
>> to
>> match the results of (A), because doing this is less invasive; and as
>> mentioned in the patch annex, might also be rewritten for a better
>> understanding.
> I've never seen spi flashes greater than 8Gbit (maybe you also), so I
> am not sure whether the three rules are applicable to 4 bit block
> protection. Even the three rules doesn't seem to be general enough for
> 3bit or 2bit block protection.
>> -michael
>>>>> We need new fomula based on n_sectors for BP3 at least.
>>>> No they are the same, but yes there is a bug in the current
>>>> implementation.
>>>> -michael
>>>>>> So for the 3 bit case the following flashes are border cases:
>>>>>>   - 16mbit (less settings than slots)
>>>>>>   - 32mbit (number of settings and free slots match)
>>>>>>   - 64mbit (more settings than slots, first setting is
>>>>>> discarded)
>>>>>> That being said, I suspect all the 16mbit flashes (and below)
>>>>>> which
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> the _LOCK bit set are broken, because the entries has to be
>>>>>> shifted.
>>>>>> I'll
>>>>>> look into that later. This is the same "issue" you have with
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> 4
>>>>>> bits.
>>>>>> So if this is fixed, you should not need another formula for
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> 4
>>>>>> bit
>>>>>> case.
>>>>>>> We need new calculation method for 4bit block protection
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> making
>>>>>>> it more generic, I choose n_sectors.
>>>>>>> On all the flashes I checked, n_sectors is proper value for
>>>>>>> getting
>>>>>>> block protected portion.
>>>>>>> 		density	portion	n_sectors
>>>>>>> W25M512JV	64MB	1/512	512
>>>>>>> N25Q128A	16MB	1/256	256
>>>>>>> N25Q512A	64MB	1/1024	1024
>>>>>>> MT25QL02GCBB	256MB	1/4096	4096
>>>>>> The rules above apply to these flashes, too. Could you double
>>>>>> check
>>>>>> that?
>>>>>> -michael
>>>>>>>>> +		val = val << SR_BP_SHIFT;
>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>> +		if (val & BIT(5) && mask & SR_BP3_BIT6)
>>>>>>>>> +			val = (val & ~BIT(5)) | BIT(6);
>>>>>>>>> +	} else {
>>>>>>>>> +		val = mask - (pow << SR_BP_SHIFT);
>>>>>>>>> +	}
>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>>  	if (val & ~mask)
>>>>>>>>>  		return -EINVAL;
>>>>>>>>>  	/* Don't "lock" with no region! */
>>>>>>>>> @@ -1983,6 +2057,13 @@ static int stm_unlock(struct
>>>>>>>>> spi_nor
>>>>>>>>> *nor,
>>>>>>>>> loff_t ofs, uint64_t len)
>>>>>>>>>  	if (nor->flags & SNOR_F_HAS_SR_TB_BIT6)
>>>>>>>>>  		tb_mask = SR_TB_BIT6;
>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>> +	if (nor->flags & SNOR_F_HAS_SR_BP3) {
>>>>>>>>> +		if (nor->flags &
>>>>>>>>> SNOR_F_HAS_SR_BP3_BIT6)
>>>>>>>>> +			mask = mask | SR_BP3_BIT6;
>>>>>>>>> +		else
>>>>>>>>> +			mask = mask | SR_BP3_BIT5;
>>>>>>>>> +	}
>>>>>>>>>  	/*
>>>>>>>>>  	 * Need largest pow such that:
>>>>>>>>>  	 *
>>>>>>>>> @@ -1995,13 +2076,20 @@ static int stm_unlock(struct
>>>>>>>>> spi_nor
>>>>>>>>> *nor,
>>>>>>>>> loff_t ofs, uint64_t len)
>>>>>>>>>  	pow = ilog2(mtd->size) -
>>>>>>>>> order_base_2(lock_len);
>>>>>>>>>  	if (lock_len == 0) {
>>>>>>>>>  		val = 0; /* fully unlocked */
>>>>>>>>> +	} else if (nor->flags & SNOR_F_HAS_SR_BP3) {
>>>>>>>>> +		val = ilog2(nor->n_sectors) + 1 - pow;
>>>>>>>>> +		val = val << SR_BP_SHIFT;
>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>> +		if (val & BIT(5) && mask & SR_BP3_BIT6)
>>>>>>>>> +			val = (val & ~BIT(5)) | BIT(6);
>>>>>>>>>  	} else {
>>>>>>>>>  		val = mask - (pow << SR_BP_SHIFT);
>>>>>>>>> -		/* Some power-of-two sizes are not
>>>>>>>>> supported */
>>>>>>>>> -		if (val & ~mask)
>>>>>>>>> -			return -EINVAL;
>>>>>>>>>  	}
>>>>>>>>> +	/* Some power-of-two sizes are not supported */
>>>>>>>>> +	if (val & ~mask)
>>>>>>>>> +		return -EINVAL;
>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>>  	status_new = (status_old & ~mask & ~tb_mask) |
>>>>>>>>> val;
>>>>>>>>>  	/* Don't protect status register if we're fully
>>>>>>>>> unlocked */
>>>>>>>>> @@ -4736,6 +4824,7 @@ static void
>>>>>>>>> spi_nor_info_init_params(struct
>>>>>>>>> spi_nor *nor)
>>>>>>>>>  	/* Set SPI NOR sizes. */
>>>>>>>>>  	params->size = (u64)info->sector_size * info-
>>>>>>>>>> n_sectors;
>>>>>>>>>  	params->page_size = info->page_size;
>>>>>>>>> +	params->n_sectors = info->n_sectors;
>>>>>>>>>  	if (!(info->flags & SPI_NOR_NO_FR)) {
>>>>>>>>>  		/* Default to Fast Read for DT and non-
>>>>>>>>> DT
>>>>>>>>> platform
>>>>>>>>> devices. */
>>>>>>>>> @@ -5192,6 +5281,11 @@ int spi_nor_scan(struct spi_nor
>>>>>>>>> *nor,
>>>>>>>>> const
>>>>>>>>> char *name,
>>>>>>>>>  		nor->flags |= SNOR_F_NO_OP_CHIP_ERASE;
>>>>>>>>>  	if (info->flags & USE_CLSR)
>>>>>>>>>  		nor->flags |= SNOR_F_USE_CLSR;
>>>>>>>>> +	if (info->flags & SPI_NOR_HAS_BP3) {
>>>>>>>>> +		nor->flags |= SNOR_F_HAS_SR_BP3;
>>>>>>>>> +		if (info->flags & SPI_NOR_BP3_SR_BIT6)
>>>>>>>>> +			nor->flags |=
>>>>>>>>> SNOR_F_HAS_SR_BP3_BIT6;
>>>>>>>>> +	}
>>>>>>>>>  	if (info->flags & SPI_NOR_NO_ERASE)
>>>>>>>>>  		mtd->flags |= MTD_NO_ERASE;
>>>>>>>>> @@ -5199,6 +5293,7 @@ int spi_nor_scan(struct spi_nor
>>>>>>>>> *nor,
>>>>>>>>> const
>>>>>>>>> char *name,
>>>>>>>>>  	mtd->dev.parent = dev;
>>>>>>>>>  	nor->page_size = params->page_size;
>>>>>>>>>  	mtd->writebufsize = nor->page_size;
>>>>>>>>> +	nor->n_sectors = params->n_sectors;
>>>>>>>>>  	if (of_property_read_bool(np, "broken-flash-
>>>>>>>>> reset"))
>>>>>>>>>  		nor->flags |= SNOR_F_BROKEN_RESET;
>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/include/linux/mtd/spi-nor.h
>>>>>>>>> b/include/linux/mtd/spi-
>>>>>>>>> nor.h
>>>>>>>>> index 541c06d042e8..92d550501daf 100644
>>>>>>>>> --- a/include/linux/mtd/spi-nor.h
>>>>>>>>> +++ b/include/linux/mtd/spi-nor.h
>>>>>>>>> @@ -129,7 +129,9 @@
>>>>>>>>>  #define SR_BP1			BIT(3)	/* Block
>>>>>>>>> protect 1
>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>>  #define SR_BP2			BIT(4)	/* Block
>>>>>>>>> protect 2
>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>>  #define SR_TB_BIT5		BIT(5)	/* Top/Bottom
>>>>>>>>> protect
>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>> +#define SR_BP3_BIT5		BIT(5)	/* Block
>>>>>>>>> protect 3
>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>> maybe just name it SR_BP3? would also be more consistent
>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> proposal
>>>>>>>> above.
>>>>>>>>>  #define SR_TB_BIT6		BIT(6)	/* Top/Bottom
>>>>>>>>> protect
>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>> +#define SR_BP3_BIT6		BIT(6)	/* Block
>>>>>>>>> protect 3
>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>>  #define SR_SRWD			BIT(7)	/* SR
>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>> protect
>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>>  /* Spansion/Cypress specific status bits */
>>>>>>>>>  #define SR_E_ERR		BIT(5)
>>>>>>>>> @@ -248,6 +250,8 @@ enum spi_nor_option_flags {
>>>>>>>>>  	SNOR_F_HAS_16BIT_SR	= BIT(9),
>>>>>>>>>  	SNOR_F_NO_READ_CR	= BIT(10),
>>>>>>>>>  	SNOR_F_HAS_SR_TB_BIT6	= BIT(11),
>>>>>>>>> +	SNOR_F_HAS_SR_BP3	= BIT(12),
>>>>>>>>> +	SNOR_F_HAS_SR_BP3_BIT6	= BIT(13),
>>>>>>>>>  };
>>>>>>>>> @@ -519,6 +523,7 @@ struct spi_nor_locking_ops {
>>>>>>>>>   *
>>>>>>>>>   * @size:		the flash memory density in
>>>>>>>>> bytes.
>>>>>>>>>   * @page_size:		the page size of the SPI NOR
>>>>>>>>> flash
>>>>>>>>> memory.
>>>>>>>>> + * @n_sectors:		number of sectors
>>>>>>>>>   * @hwcaps:		describes the read and page
>>>>>>>>> program
>>>>>>>>> hardware
>>>>>>>>>   *			capabilities.
>>>>>>>>>   * @reads:		read capabilities ordered by
>>>>>>>>> priority:
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> higher index
>>>>>>>>> @@ -541,6 +546,7 @@ struct spi_nor_locking_ops {
>>>>>>>>>  struct spi_nor_flash_parameter {
>>>>>>>>>  	u64				size;
>>>>>>>>>  	u32				page_size;
>>>>>>>>> +	u16				n_sectors;
>>>>>>>>>  	struct spi_nor_hwcaps		hwcaps;
>>>>>>>>>  	struct spi_nor_read_command	reads[SNOR_CMD_
>>>>>>>>> READ_MAX
>>>>>>>>> ];
>>>>>>>>> @@ -573,6 +579,7 @@ struct flash_info;
>>>>>>>>>   * @bouncebuf_size:	size of the bounce buffer
>>>>>>>>>   * @info:		spi-nor part JDEC MFR id and
>>>>>>>>> other info
>>>>>>>>>   * @page_size:		the page size of the SPI NOR
>>>>>>>>> + * @n_sector:		number of sectors
>>>>>>>>>   * @addr_width:		number of address bytes
>>>>>>>>>   * @erase_opcode:	the opcode for erasing a sector
>>>>>>>>>   * @read_opcode:	the read opcode
>>>>>>>>> @@ -599,6 +606,7 @@ struct spi_nor {
>>>>>>>>>  	size_t			bouncebuf_size;
>>>>>>>>>  	const struct flash_info	*info;
>>>>>>>>>  	u32			page_size;
>>>>>>>>> +	u16			n_sectors;
>>>>>>>>>  	u8			addr_width;
>>>>>>>>>  	u8			erase_opcode;
>>>>>>>>>  	u8			read_opcode;
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> 2.17.1
>>>>>>>>> ______________________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Linux MTD discussion mailing list
> Thanks,
> Jungseung Lee


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