Thomas Haschka writes via Bugzilla: I am using the gentoo patchset on the kernel, further patched in with camera drivers for the surface go 2. None of these patches should touch the rstx_pci driver or carddriver directory. I run the root filesystem on the SD card. To be more specific a SanDisc 128GB A2 V30. Therefore the system fails once the sd-card does not respond. The failure is probably rare for people not running a root filesystem on the SSD as the carddreader seems to work fine, booting the system, but seems to fail after about 10-15 minutes, of activity, as stated with dmesg showing the error message above: mmc0: error -95 doing runtime resume and the filesystem not responding anymore. The SD Card is ext4 formatted, without mounted with journaling turned off. I will provide kernel configuration files for both 6.5.5 and 6.8.9 later that day, in the hope that it helps. As said reverting to 6.5.5 works fine only yielding a mmc0: cannot verify signal voltage switch but I get this error since years, every other minute, on this system - also with different SD Cards, without any noticeable effect. View: You can reply to this message to join the discussion. -- Deet-doot-dot, I am a bot. Bugzilla (bugspray 0.1-dev)