Hello! I would like to inform about new (or rather old) sdioutils project, which is on github: https://github.com/sdioutils/ It aimed to be collection of SDIO programs for Linux systems. Currently it contains two things which can be useful for both users and developers: * lssdio - https://github.com/sdioutils/lssdio - tool which prints all connected and registered SDIO devices in similar format than lspci or lsusb, including tree and verbose formats (Linux v5.10+ required for printing all information) * sdioids - https://github.com/sdioutils/sdioids - database file sdio.ids of known SDIO devices, in format inspired by pci.ids and which is already used by lssdio This new sdioids contains updated and imported database file from the old udev project (which seems to not be updated anymore). If you look into the repository, both parts are more than year old and I did not announced it before because more people promised to test or improve database... but nothing happened, only promises. So I decided to announce it now at least in this state. I think that it can be useful even in the current state. So if you want to improve it or add new SDIO cards into database, feel free to open a pull request on project page. I think that having some central point of sdio.ids database can be useful also for other projects.