Re: [PATCH v4 2/2] slab: Introduce kmalloc_obj() and family

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These each return the assigned value of ptr (which may be NULL on
failure). For cases where the total size of the allocation is needed,
the kmalloc_obj_sz(), kmalloc_objs_sz(), and kmalloc_flex_sz() family
of macros can be used. For example:

	info->size = struct_size(ptr, flex_member, count);
	ptr = kmalloc(info->size, gfp);


	kmalloc_flex_sz(ptr, flex_member, count, gfp, &info->size);

I wonder if it'd be better to keep the gfp flags as the last argument
for all these `*_sz()` cases:

	kmalloc_flex_sz(ptr, flex_member, count, &info->size, gpf);

Probably, even for __alloc_objs()


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