Hi all, This patchset adds a new buddy allocator like (or non-uniform) large folio split from a order-n folio to order-m with m < n. It reduces 1. the total number of after-split folios from 2^(n-m) to n-m+1; 2. the amount of memory needed for multi-index xarray split from 2^(n/6-m/6) to n/6-m/6, assuming XA_CHUNK_SHIFT=6; 3. keep more large folios after a split from all order-m folios to order-(n-1) to order-m folios. For example, to split an order-9 to order-0, folio split generates 10 (or 11 for anonymous memory) folios instead of 512, allocates 1 xa_node instead of 8, and leaves 1 order-8, 1 order-7, ..., 1 order-1 and 2 order-0 folios (or 4 order-0 for anonymous memory) instead of 512 order-0 folios. Instead of duplicating existing split_huge_page*() code, __folio_split() is introduced as the shared backend code for both split_huge_page_to_list_to_order() and folio_split(). __folio_split() can support both uniform split and buddy allocator like (or non-uniform) split. All existing split_huge_page*() users can be gradually converted to use folio_split() if possible. In this patchset, I converted truncate_inode_partial_folio() to use folio_split(). xfstests quick group passed for both tmpfs and xfs. I also semi-replicated Hugh's test[12] and ran it without any issue for almost 24 hours. It is on top of mm-everything-2025-03-07-07-55. It is ready to be merged. Changelog ===