Re: [PATCH v2 2/5] x86/mce: dump error msg from severities

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On Wed, Mar 05, 2025 at 10:33:04PM +0000, Luck, Tony wrote:
> >>> 2) I'd like to see a patch for a stack trace for the unrecoverable case.
> >>
> >> Could you provide any reference link to your previous patch?
> >
> >
> Yazen has some cleanups to the severity code under consideration
> here:
> I wonder if a slightly different approach with the "mce_action" that Yazen
> defines being a bitmask of options, instead of an enum, would be possible?
> If that happened, then adding a "dump the call stack to the console" option
> would fit neatly into the scheme.

Right, I was thinking something similar. Basically, replace single
action (enum) with multiple possible actions (flags/bitmask). And we can
have a mask for a "class" of actions for general cases.


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