Re: [RESEND][PATCH] tracing: gfp: Remove duplication of recording GFP flags

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Since I hear only crickets on this. I'm going to apply it and push it to
linux-next and see if anyone notices. It only affects the output of the
memory trace events.

-- Steve

On Tue, 25 Feb 2025 13:56:11 -0500
Steven Rostedt <rostedt@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Steven Rostedt <rostedt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> The gfp_flags when recorded in the trace require being converted from
> their numbers to values. Various macros are used to help facilitate this,
> but there's two sets of macros that need to keep track of the same GFP
> flags to stay in sync.
> Commit 60295b944ff68 ("tracing: gfp: Fix the GFP enum values shown for
> user space tracing tools") added a TRACE_GFP_FLAGS macro that holds the
> enum ___GFP_*_BIT defined bits, and creates the TRACE_DEFINE_ENUM()
> wrapper around them.
> The __def_gfpflag_names() macro creates the mapping of various flags or
> multiple flags to give them human readable names via the __print_flags()
> tracing helper macro.
> As the TRACE_GFP_FLAGS is a subset of the __def_gfpflags_names(), it can
> be used to cover the individual bit names, by redefining the internal
> macro TRACE_GFP_EM():
>   #undef TRACE_GFP_EM
>   #define TRACE_GFP_EM(a) gfpflag_string(__GFP_##a),
> This will remove the bits that are duplicate between the two macros. If a
> new bit is created, only the TRACE_GFP_FLAGS needs to be updated and that
> will also update the __def_gfpflags_names() macro.
> Signed-off-by: Steven Rostedt (Google) <rostedt@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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