Hello, This is yet another reminder of upcoming DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chats (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing) for the week of 2024-11-18. After the two instances for the week of 2024-11-18, the week of 2024-12-02 was originally the next meetings week. But I have conflicts on the week, so moved those one week forward. Please check the schedule. Please note that US Daylight saving time has finished recently. The shared calendar mentioned at te bottom of this mail could be helpful to set your reminder regardless of the change. Dedicated-topic discussions --------------------------- Next three time slots that I reserved in advance for possible future dedicated topic discussions are as below. - 2024-11-20 (Wed) 09:30 PT (not yet reserved) - 2024-12-09 (Mon) 18:00 PT (not yet reserved) - 2024-12-18 (Wed) 09:30 PT (not yet reserved) Please reach out to me (sj@xxxxxxxxxx or whatever) to reserve the not-yet-reserved time slots for your topics. The reservation is made in a First-Come First-Served way, and I will send a Google Meet link to reservation-confirmed attendees. Please note that other time slots are also available based on the demands. Any-topic discussions --------------------- Next three time slots for any topic (no reservation is required) are scheduled as below: - 2024-11-18 (Mon) 18:00 PT (https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu) - 2024-12-11 (Wed) 09:30 PT (https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu) - 2024-12-16 (Mon) 18:00 PT (https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu) Shared Calendar --------------- You can get the schedule via this shared Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=ZDIwOTA4YTMxNjc2MDQ3NTIyMmUzYTM5ZmQyM2U4NDA0ZGIwZjBiYmJlZGQxNDM0MmY4ZTRjOTE0NjdhZDRiY0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t You can also get the past and upcoming schedules via https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing Thanks, SJ