Re: [PATCH 06/10] writeback: Factor out code of freerun to remove repeated code

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on 5/2/2024 1:15 AM, Tejun Heo wrote:
>> +/*
>> + * Throttle it only when the background writeback cannot
>> + * catch-up. This avoids (excessively) small writeouts
>> + * when the wb limits are ramping up in case of !strictlimit.
>> + *
>> + * In strictlimit case make decision based on the wb counters
>> + * and limits. Small writeouts when the wb limits are ramping
>> + * up are the price we consciously pay for strictlimit-ing.
>> + */
> Can you please reflow the above to 80col or at least seventy something?
Sure, will do it in next version. Thanks.

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