Hello, here is the next iteration of my flexible proportions code. Changes since v2 are: * use timer instead of workqueue for triggering period switch * arm timer only if aging didn't zero out all fractions, re-arm timer when new event arrives again * set period length to 3s Some introduction for first time readers: The idea of this patch set is to provide code for computing event proportions where aging period is not dependent on the number of events happening (so that aging works well both with fast storage and slow USB sticks in the same system). The basic idea is that we compute proportions as: p_j = (\Sum_{i>=0} x_{i,j}/2^{i+1}) / (\Sum_{i>=0} x_i/2^{i+1}) Where x_{i,j} is j's number of events in i-th last time period and x_i is total number of events in i-th last time period. Note that when x_i's are all the same (as is the case with current proportion code), this expression simplifies to the expression defining current proportions which is: p_j = \Sum_{i>=0} x_{i,j}/2^{i+1} / t where t is the lenght of the aging period. In fact, if we are in the middle of the period, the proportion computed by the current code is: p_j = (x_0 + \Sum_{i>=1} x_{i,j}/2^{i+1}) / (t' + t) where t' is total number of events in the running period and t is the lenght of the aging period. So there is event more similarity. Similarly as with current proportion code, it is simple to compute update proportion after several periods have elapsed. For each proportion we store the numerator of our fraction and the number of period when the proportion was last updated. In global proportion structure we compute the denominator of the fraction which is the same for all event types. So catch up with missed periods boils down to shifting the numerator by the number of missed periods and that's it. For more details, please see the code. I've also run a few tests (I've created a userspace wrapper to allow me to run proportion code in userpace and arbitrarily generate events for it) to compare the behavior of old and new code. You can see them at http://beta.suse.com/private/jack/flex_proportions/ In all the tests new code showed faster convergence to current event proportions (I tried to realistically set period_shift for fixed proportions). Also in the last test we see that if period_shift is decreased, then current proportions become more sensitive to short term fluctuations in event rate so just decreasing period_shift isn't a good solution to slower convergence. If anyone has other idea what to try, I can do that - it should be simple enough to implement in my testing tool. Honza -- To unsubscribe, send a message with 'unsubscribe linux-mm' in the body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxx. For more info on Linux MM, see: http://www.linux-mm.org/ . Fight unfair telecom internet charges in Canada: sign http://stopthemeter.ca/ Don't email: <a href=mailto:"dont@xxxxxxxxx"> email@xxxxxxxxx </a>