Dear Mr. SeongJae Park, I hope this email finds you well. For the last few months, I have been looking at DAMON from an end-users perspective and a developer's PoV. Most recently, I was focusing on `lru_sort.c` module that uses the `lru_prio` and `lru_deprio` operations which result in a more precise reclaim. In my understanding, enabling the "lru_sort.c" module would make intelligent decisions based on the access frequency of the pages and end up preventing hot page swaps. Hence, when integrated with an LRU algorithm, it should improve it. If you could share any test/benchmark that you might have run to verify the above assumption? I did find the result numbers you posted (link below), but that doesn't mention the "plrus-*" scheme numbers. It also doesn't have numbers for running the `pageout` operation on the entire physical address space (paddr) i.e. the `pprcl` scheme. So, if you can link those too, it would be amazing. Can you also share any real-world (memory-management specific) workload results that you would have used with DAMON in your experiments? Like either MongoDB or memcached over Parsec3.0 (including splash2x) - which, in my understanding, is less memory intensive and more architecture inclined. I also had a question regarding schemes - A scheme is highly tweakable, and it's what the efficiency of DAMON rests upon. The more precise the scheme, the more efficient DAMON will be. Hence, I'd be thankful if you can help me derive a config that would provide the best results. Hope to hear from you soon. Test results: -- Regards, Piyush Sachdeva