> The detail of these problems is as follows: > 1. mmap() succeeds even if "offset" argument is a negative value, although > it should return EINVAL in such case. > In such case, it is actually regarded as big positive value > because the type of "off" is "unsigned long" in the kernel. > For example, off=-4096 (-0x1000) is regarded as > off = 0xfffffffffffff000 (x86_64) and as off = 0xfffff000 (x86). > It results in mapping too big offset region. It is not true always. Considering your example, say if page size is 4k, then PAGE_MASK = 0xFFF hence (off & ~PAGE_MASK) will be true and " -EINVAL" will be returned. -- To unsubscribe, send a message with 'unsubscribe linux-mm' in the body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxx. For more info on Linux MM, see: http://www.linux-mm.org/ . Fight unfair telecom internet charges in Canada: sign http://stopthemeter.ca/ Don't email: <a href