Re: [PATCH RFC 0/9] mm, sparse-vmemmap: Introduce compound pagemaps

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On 2/22/21 11:06 AM, Joao Martins wrote:
> On 2/20/21 1:18 AM, Dan Williams wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 9:32 AM Joao Martins <joao.m.martins@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> The link above describes it quite nicely, but the idea is to reuse tail
>>> page vmemmap areas, particular the area which only describes tail pages.
>>> So a vmemmap page describes 64 struct pages, and the first page for a given
>>> ZONE_DEVICE vmemmap would contain the head page and 63 tail pages. The second
>>> vmemmap page would contain only tail pages, and that's what gets reused across
>>> the rest of the subsection/section. The bigger the page size, the bigger the
>>> savings (2M hpage -> save 6 vmemmap pages; 1G hpage -> save 4094 vmemmap pages).
>>> In terms of savings, per 1Tb of memory, the struct page cost would go down
>>> with compound pagemap:
>>> * with 2M pages we lose 4G instead of 16G (0.39% instead of 1.5% of total memory)
>>> * with 1G pages we lose 8MB instead of 16G (0.0007% instead of 1.5% of total memory)
>> Nice!
> I failed to mention this in the cover letter but I should say that with this trick we will
> need to build the vmemmap page tables with basepages for 2M align, as opposed to hugepages
> in the vmemmap page tables (as you probably could tell from the patches). 

Also to be clear: by "we will need to build the vmemmap page tables with basepages for 2M
align" I strictly refer to the ZONE_DEVICE range we are mapping the struct pages. It's not
the enterity of the vmemmap!

> This means that
> we have to allocate a PMD page, and that costs 2GB per 1Tb (as opposed to 4M). This is
> fixable for 1G align by reusing PMD pages (albeit I haven't done that in this RFC series).
> The footprint reduction is still big, so to iterate the numbers above (and I will fix this
> in the v2 cover letter):
> * with 2M pages we lose 4G instead of 16G (0.39% instead of 1.5% of total memory)
> * with 1G pages we lose 8MB instead of 16G (0.0007% instead of 1.5% of total memory)
> For vmemmap page tables, we need to use base pages for 2M pages. So taking that into
> account, in this RFC series:
> * with 2M pages we lose 6G instead of 16G (0.586% instead of 1.5% of total memory)
> * with 1G pages we lose ~2GB instead of 16G (0.19% instead of 1.5% of total memory)
> For 1G align, we are able to reuse vmemmap PMDs that only point to tail pages, so
> ultimately we can get the page table overhead from 2GB to 12MB:
> * with 1G pages we lose 20MB instead of 16G (0.0019% instead of 1.5% of total memory)
>>> The RDMA patch (patch 8/9) is to demonstrate the improvement for an existing
>>> user. For unpin_user_pages() we have an additional test to demonstrate the
>>> improvement.  The test performs MR reg/unreg continuously and measuring its
>>> rate for a given period. So essentially ib_mem_get and ib_mem_release being
>>> stress tested which at the end of day means: pin_user_pages_longterm() and
>>> unpin_user_pages() for a scatterlist:
>>>     Before:
>>>     159 rounds in 5.027 sec: 31617.923 usec / round (device-dax)
>>>     466 rounds in 5.009 sec: 10748.456 usec / round (hugetlbfs)
>>>     After:
>>>     305 rounds in 5.010 sec: 16426.047 usec / round (device-dax)
>>>     1073 rounds in 5.004 sec: 4663.622 usec / round (hugetlbfs)
>> Why does hugetlbfs get faster for a ZONE_DEVICE change? Might answer
>> that question myself when I get to patch 8.
> Because the unpinning improvements aren't ZONE_DEVICE specific.
> FWIW, I moved those two offending patches outside of this series:
>>> Patch 9: Improves {pin,get}_user_pages() and its longterm counterpart. It
>>> is very experimental, and I imported most of follow_hugetlb_page(), except
>>> that we do the same trick as gup-fast. In doing the patch I feel this batching
>>> should live in follow_page_mask() and having that being changed to return a set
>>> of pages/something-else when walking over PMD/PUDs for THP / devmap pages. This
>>> patch then brings the previous test of mr reg/unreg (above) on parity
>>> between device-dax and hugetlbfs.
>>> Some of the patches are a little fresh/WIP (specially patch 3 and 9) and we are
>>> still running tests. Hence the RFC, asking for comments and general direction
>>> of the work before continuing.
>> Will go look at the code, but I don't see anything scary conceptually
>> here. The fact that pfn_to_page() does not need to change is among the
>> most compelling features of this approach.
> Glad to hear that :D

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