Hi, I'm working on adding linux-mm to lore.kernel.org, as previously discussed here[1], and seem to have a mostly complete archive, starting from the beginning in November '97. My sources so far are the list admin's files (thanks Ben and Rik), gmane, and my own inbox. However, with disk corruption and downtime, it'd be great if people could pitch in with what they have to ensure nothing is missing. lore.kernel.org has been archiving linux-mm since December 2018, so only messages before that date are needed. Instructions for contributing are here: https://korg.wiki.kernel.org/userdoc/lore These are the message ids captured so far: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JdpS0X1P-r0sSDg2wE1IIzrAFNN8epIE/view?usp=sharing This uncompressed file may be passed to the -k switch of the tool in the instructions to filter out what's already been collected. Please tar up and xz -9 any resulting directories of mbox files and send them to me (via sharing link if > 1M) by Feb 12, when I plan to submit the archive. Suggestions for other sources also welcome. Thanks, Daniel [1] http://lkml.kernel.org/r/20180926130850.vk6y6zxppn7bkovk@kshutemo-mobl1