On 05/02/18 00:19, Randy Dunlap wrote: > On 02/04/2018 08:47 AM, Igor Stoppa wrote: [...] > Please use kernel multi-line comment style. ok for all of them [...] >> + BUG_ON(!locations[action->location]); >> + print_first_chunk_bitmap(pool); >> + BUG_ON(compare_bitmaps(pool, action->pattern)); > > BUG_ON() seems harsh to me, but some of the other self-tests also do that. I would expect that the test never fails, if one is not modifying anything related to genalloc. But if an error slips in during development of genalloc or anything related (like the functions used to scan the bitmaps), I think it's better to pull the handbrake immediately, because failure in tracking correctly the memory allocation is likely to cause corruption and every sort of mysterious weird errors. -- igor -- To unsubscribe, send a message with 'unsubscribe linux-mm' in the body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxx. For more info on Linux MM, see: http://www.linux-mm.org/ . Don't email: <a href=mailto:"dont@xxxxxxxxx"> email@xxxxxxxxx </a>