Please do not top post. On Mon 03-07-17 22:19:02, zbestahu wrote: > Yes, the original code using scale should be about rounding to > integer. I am trying to improve the calculation because i think the > rounding seems to be useless, we can calculate pressure directly just > like original code of "pressure = pressure * 100 / scale", no > floating number issue.From the view of disassembly, the patch is also > better than original. If original code using scale is more powerful > than the patch, please ignore the submit. Make sure you describe all that in the changelog because your original patch description wasn't all that clear about your intention. -- Michal Hocko SUSE Labs -- To unsubscribe, send a message with 'unsubscribe linux-mm' in the body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxx. For more info on Linux MM, see: . Don't email: <a href=mailto:"dont@xxxxxxxxx";> email@xxxxxxxxx </a>