Here are a bunch of cleanups to the ati_remote driver that have been sitting in my tree since 2011, and I'm hoping to push upstream. They work fine on my v1 ATI Remote Wonder. Patch 4/10 is the nicest in terms of code deletion, but the others shrink the driver, too. There are some that I'm not sure if they're wanted: 6/10 is the most questionable code rearrangement. Cleaner or messier? Feedback welcome. Patches 8 and 9 are just prettying up the keymap table. Patch 10 fixes some of the sillier default key assignments. I'm pretty sure this would constitute a kernel regression and is not okay, but it's another local change I made, and I might as well see what people think. Feel free to forget about this one. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-media" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at