it seems that my 9 years old LNBs got some drift over time, as
tuning takes quite a while until I get a lock. So I thought I
could compensate this offset by adjusting VDR's diseqc.conf.
Therefore I first hacked some logging into VDR's tuner code to
read and output the above mentioned property once it got a lock
after tuning. As VDR's EPG scanner travels over all transponders
when idle, I get offset values for all transponders and can then
try to find some average offset to put into diseqc.conf.
So here are several "travel" results for a single transponder
ordered by Delta:
Sat. Pol. Band Freq (MHz) Set Freq (MHz) Get Delta (MHz)
S13,0E H H 11938 11930,528 -7,472
S13,0E H H 11938 11936,294 -1,706
S13,0E H H 11938 11938,917 0,917
S13,0E H H 11938 11939,158 1,158
S13,0E H H 11938 11939,906 1,906
S13,0E H H 11938 11939,965 1,965
S13,0E H H 11938 11940,029 2,029
S13,0E H H 11938 11940,032 2,032
S13,0E H H 11938 11940,103 2,103
S13,0E H H 11938 11940,112 2,112
S13,0E H H 11938 11940,167 2,167
S13,0E H H 11938 11941,736 3,736
S13,0E H H 11938 11941,736 3,736
S13,0E H H 11938 11941,736 3,736
S13,0E H H 11938 11942,412 4,412
S13,0E H H 11938 11943,604 5,604
S13,0E H H 11938 11943,604 5,604
S13,0E H H 11938 11943,604 5,604
S13,0E H H 11938 11945,472 7,472
S13,0E H H 11938 11945,472 7,472
S13,0E H H 11938 11945,472 7,472
S13,0E H H 11938 11945,472 7,472
S13,0E H H 11938 11945,472 7,472
S13,0E H H 11938 11945,472 7,472
S13,0E H H 11938 11945,472 7,472
S13,0E H H 11938 11945,777 7,777
S13,0E H H 11938 11945,777 7,777
S13,0E H H 11938 11945,777 7,777
S13,0E H H 11938 11945,777 7,777
I really wonder why Delta varies that much, and there are other
transponders in the same band which have no larger deltas then 3 MHz.
So is it at all possible to determine LNB drift in that way?
My other device, a STB0899, always reports the set frequency. So
it seems driver dependent whether it reports the actually locked
frequency found by the zig-zag-algorithm or just the set
frequency to tune to.
Thanks in advance for any replies.
Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl
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