Hi, I would like to propose a new set of controls for codec devices. By codec devices I mean hardware that can encode raw video into compressed stream and can decode compressed streams. This topic has been discussed during the v4l2 brainstorming session and this email contains the propositions that have been made. The conclusion was that we should use the existing V4L2_CID_MPEG_CLASS for controls related do encoding and decoding data. I had to distinguish which controls should be common for all codecs and which should be specific to MFC 5.1 (I am working on the driver for this hardware). To do this I have analysed the options of ffmpeg and x264 software decoders. If the options was used only in MFC then it should be hardware specific. If it was also used in ffmpeg or x264 then it would qualify as a common control. I would welcome comments from other hw codec driver developers. I have another question - regarding v4l2_buffer flags. What do you think about adding a new flag - V4L2_BUF_FLAG_SKIPPED? It would be used in encoding to indicate that the frame to be encoded should be skipped and write information that the decoder should display the previous frame again. Please find the table with controls attached below: - the names have the "V4L2_CID_MPEG_" prefix truncated - letter in the second column means D for decoder, E for encoder and A for both - last column is MFC if the control should be hw specific, common otherwise *** Controls for decoding *** 1) DECODER_MPEG4_LOOP_FILTER D MPEG4 MFC Deblocking filter on the decoder output for MPEG4. 2) DECODER_SLICE_INTERFACE D all common If set the decoder can accept separate picture slices on input, otherwise it requires a whole frame. 3) DECODER_H264_DISPLAY_DELAY D H264 MFC Programmable display delay for H264. MFC will return a decoded frame after the set number of frames (this may cause that frames are not returned in display order). 4) DECODER_H264_DISPLAY_DELAY_ENABLE D H264 MFC Enable display delay for H264. *** Controls for both decoding and encoding *** 5) H264_AR_VUI_IDC A H264 common VUI aspect ratio IDC for H.264 encoding. The value is defined in VUI Table E-1 in the standard. 6) H264_EXT_SAR_WIDTH A H264 common Extended sample aspect ratio width for H.264 VUI encoding. 7) H264_EXT_SAR_HEIGHT A H264 common Extended sample aspect ratio height for H.264 VUI encoding 8) MIN_REQ_BUFS_OUT A all common This is the minimum number of buffers required for the output queue. This option may be useful if the encoding settings require a minimum number of buffers required as reference and the application would like to have N more buffers. For example - the encoding options require 3 buffers and the application wants to have 2 more. One can read this value (3) and supply (3+2) to the reqbufs call. 9) MIN_REQ_BUFS_CAP A all common This is the minimum number of buffers required for the capture queue. This option may be useful if the decoder requires a minimum number of buffers required as reference and the application would like to have N more buffers. For example - the stream requires 3 buffers and the application wants to have 2 more. One can read this value (3) and supply (3+2) to the reqbufs call. *** Controls for encoding *** 10) GOP_SIZE E all common The size of group of pictures. For H264 this is the IDR period. 11) H264_LEVEL E H264 common The level information for H264. 12) MPEG4_LEVEL E MPEG4 common The level information for MPEG4. 13) H264_PROFILE E H264 common The profile information for H264. 14) MPEG4_PROFILE E MPEG4 common The profile information for MPEG4. 15) B_FRAMES E H264, MPEG4 common The number of B-frames to use between P frames. 16) MAX_REF_PIC E H264 common The maximum number of reference pictures used for encoding. 17) NUM_REF_PIC_FOR_P E H264 MFC The number of reference pictures used for encoding a P picture. 18) MULTI_SLICE_MODE E H264, MPEG4 common Determines how multiple slices are handled. 19) MULTI_SLICE_MB E H264, MPEG4 common The upper limit of macroblocks for a slice. 20) MULTI_SLICE_BITS E H264, MPEG4 common The upper limit of size for a slice. 21) H264_LOOP_FILTER_MODE E H264 common Loop filter mode for H264. 22) H264_LOOP_FILTER_ALPHA E H264 common Loop filter alpha coefficient, defined in the standard. 23) H264_LOOP_FILTER_BETA E H264 common Loop filter alpha coefficient, defined in the standard. 24) H264_SYMBOL_MODE E H264 common Symbol mode for H264 - CABAC/CAVALC. 25) INTERLACE E H264, MPEG4 common Enable interlace mode. 26) H264_8X8_TRANSFORM E H264 common Enable 8X8 transform for H264. 27) INTRA_REFRESH_MB E all common Period of random intra macroblock refresh. 28) PADDING_ENABLE E all MFC Padding enable - use a color instead of repeating border pixels. 29) PADDING_LUMA E all MFC 30) PADDING_CB E all MFC 31) PADDING_CR E all MFC 32) FRAME_RC_ENABLE E all common Frame level rate control enable. 33) MB_RC_ENABLE E H264 common Macroblock level rate control enable. 34) FRAME_RATE E all common Frames per second in 1000x scale (e.g., 7500 stands for 7.5 frames/sec). 35) RC_BITRATE E all common Bitrate for rate control. 36) RC_REACTION_COEFF E all MFC Reaction coefficient for MFC rate control. 37) H264_ADAPTIVE_RC_DARK_DISABLE E H264 MFC Disable adaptive rate control for dark region. 38) H264_ADAPTIVE_RC_SMOOTH_DISABLE E H264 MFC Disable adaptive rate control for smooth region. 39) H264_ADAPTIVE_RC_STATIC_DISABLE E H264 MFC Disable adaptive rate control for static region. 40) H264_ADAPTIVE_RC_ACTIVITY_DISABLE E H264 MFC Disable adaptive rate control for region with activity. 41) MPEG4_QPEL_DISABLE E MPEG4 common Disable quarter pixel motion estimation for MPEG4. 42) I_FRAME_QP E all common Quantization parameter for an I frame. 43) MIN_QP E all common Minimum quantization parameter. 44) MAX_QP E all common Maximum quantization parameter. 45) P_FRAME_QP E all common Quantization parameter for an P frame. 46) B_FRAME_QP E H264, MPEG4 common Quantization parameter for an B frame. 47) VBV_BUF_SIZE E H264, MPEG* common VBV buffer size. I think it is valid for all MPEG versions. 48) FRAME_SKIP_MODE E all MFC Mode of skipping frames for VBV compliance. 49) RC_FIXED_TARGET_BIT E all MFC 50) MPEG4_VOP_TIME_RES E MPEG4 MFC Used to compute vop_time_increment and modulo_time_base in MPEG4. 51) MPEG4_VOP_FRAME_DELTA E MPEG4 MFC Used to compute vop_time_increment and modulo_time_base in MPEG4. 52) H264_OPEN_GOP E H264 common Enable open GOP in H264. 53) H264_I_PERIOD E H264 common Period between I frames in open GOP for H264. 54) H264_AR_VUI_ENABLE E H264 MFC Enable writing aspect ratio in VUI. 55) HEADER_MODE E all common Determines whether the header is returned as the first buffer or is it returned together with the first frame. 56) FORCE_FRAME_TYPE E all MFC Force frame type on the encoder - either I-frame or skipped. I hope that buffer flags could be used instead of this. 57) FRAME_TAG E all MFC Frame tag is assigned to an input buffer passed to hardware, and the same frame tag is then assigned to the buffer that contains the result of processing that frame. Best regards, -- Kamil Debski Linux Platform Group Samsung Poland R&D Center The above message is intended solely for the named addressee and may contain trade secret, industrial technology or privileged and confidential information otherwise protected under applicable law. Any unauthorized dissemination, distribution, copying or use of the information contained in this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify sender by email and delete this communication immediately. 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