Re: [PATCH 1/3] dt-bindings: media: Describe Qualcomm SM8650 CAMSS IP

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On 12/03/2025 00:11, Vladimir Zapolskiy wrote:
Add device tree bindings for Qualcomm SM8650 camera subsystem.

Signed-off-by: Vladimir Zapolskiy <vladimir.zapolskiy@xxxxxxxxxx>
  .../bindings/media/qcom,sm8650-camss.yaml     | 389 ++++++++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 389 insertions(+)
  create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/qcom,sm8650-camss.yaml

diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/qcom,sm8650-camss.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/qcom,sm8650-camss.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c405d4e1f81d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/qcom,sm8650-camss.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause)
+%YAML 1.2
+title: Qualcomm SM8650 Camera Subsystem (CAMSS)
+  - Vladimir Zapolskiy <vladimir.zapolskiy@xxxxxxxxxx>
+  The CAMSS IP is a CSI decoder and ISP present on Qualcomm platforms.
+  compatible:
+    const: qcom,sm8650-camss
+  reg:
+    maxItems: 17
+  reg-names:
+    items:

Does this silicon have the CSID wrapper ?

If so then this answers your question in the x1e series, csid_wrapper should come first as it routes between CSID, SFE and SBI and is the "main register set" for that reason.

+      - const: csid0
+      - const: csid1
+      - const: csid2
+      - const: csid_lite0
+      - const: csid_lite1
+      - const: csid_wrapper

Oh there it is.

Sigh I honestly thought the decision was to have csid_wrapper come first, followed by alphabetised name sorting.

Looking at

commit cabab3257eb0b6b3badc3f0264d11ebbd57900f6
Author: Depeng Shao <quic_depengs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Jan 13 10:01:29 2025 +0530

    dt-bindings: media: camss: Add qcom,sm8550-camss binding

what you have here is consistent with what we comitted so, lets stick to this format and not relitigate again the ordering.

+      - const: csiphy0
+      - const: csiphy1
+      - const: csiphy2
+      - const: csiphy3
+      - const: csiphy4
+      - const: csiphy5
+      - const: vfe0
+      - const: vfe1
+      - const: vfe2
+      - const: vfe_lite0
+      - const: vfe_lite1
+  clocks:
+    maxItems: 36
+  clock-names:
+    items:
+      - const: camnoc_axi_nrt
+      - const: camnoc_axi_rt
+      - const: cpas_ahb
+      - const: cpas_fast_ahb
+      - const: cpas_vfe0
+      - const: cpas_vfe1
+      - const: cpas_vfe2
+      - const: cpas_vfe_lite
+      - const: csid
+      - const: csiphy0
+      - const: csiphy0_timer
+      - const: csiphy1
+      - const: csiphy1_timer
+      - const: csiphy2
+      - const: csiphy2_timer
+      - const: csiphy3
+      - const: csiphy3_timer
+      - const: csiphy4
+      - const: csiphy4_timer
+      - const: csiphy5
+      - const: csiphy5_timer
+      - const: csiphy_rx
+      - const: gcc_ahb_clk
+      - const: gcc_axi_hf
+      - const: gcc_axi_sf
+      - const: qdss_debug_xo
+      - const: vfe0
+      - const: vfe0_fast_ahb
+      - const: vfe1
+      - const: vfe1_fast_ahb
+      - const: vfe2
+      - const: vfe2_fast_ahb
+      - const: vfe_lite
+      - const: vfe_lite_ahb
+      - const: vfe_lite_cphy_rx
+      - const: vfe_lite_csid
+  interrupts:
+    maxItems: 16
+  interrupt-names:
+    items:
+      - const: csid0
+      - const: csid1
+      - const: csid2
+      - const: csid_lite0
+      - const: csid_lite1
+      - const: csiphy0
+      - const: csiphy1
+      - const: csiphy2
+      - const: csiphy3
+      - const: csiphy4
+      - const: csiphy5
+      - const: vfe0
+      - const: vfe1
+      - const: vfe2
+      - const: vfe_lite0
+      - const: vfe_lite1
+  iommus:
+    maxItems: 3
+  interconnects:
+    maxItems: 2
+  interconnect-names:
+    items:
+      - const: ahb
+      - const: hf_0_mnoc
+  power-domains:
+    items:
+      - description: IFE0 GDSC - Image Front End, Global Distributed Switch Controller.
+      - description: IFE1 GDSC - Image Front End, Global Distributed Switch Controller.
+      - description: IFE2 GDSC - Image Front End, Global Distributed Switch Controller.
+      - description: Titan GDSC - Titan ISP Block, Global Distributed Switch Controller.
+  power-domain-names:
+    items:
+      - const: ife0
+      - const: ife1
+      - const: ife2
+      - const: top
+  ports:
+    $ref: /schemas/graph.yaml#/properties/ports
+    description:
+      CSI input ports.
+    properties:
+      "^port@[0-5]$":
+        $ref: /schemas/graph.yaml#/$defs/port-base
+        unevaluatedProperties: false
+        description:
+          Input port for receiving CSI data from a CSIPHY.
+        properties:

    $ref: /schemas/graph.yaml#/properties/ports

      CSI input ports.

        $ref: /schemas/graph.yaml#/$defs/port-base
        unevaluatedProperties: false

+          endpoint:
+            $ref: video-interfaces.yaml#
+            unevaluatedProperties: false
+            properties:
+              clock-lanes:
+                maxItems: 1
+              data-lanes:
+                minItems: 1
+                maxItems: 4
+              bus-type:
+                enum:
+                  - 1 # MEDIA_BUS_TYPE_CSI2_CPHY
+                  - 4 # MEDIA_BUS_TYPE_CSI2_DPHY
+            required:
+              - clock-lanes
+              - data-lanes
+  vdda-csi01-0p9-supply:
+    description:
+      Phandle to a 0.9V regulator supply to CSIPHY0 and CSIPHY1 IP blocks.
+  vdda-csi24-0p9-supply:
+    description:
+      Phandle to a 0.9V regulator supply to CSIPHY2 and CSIPHY4 IP blocks.
+  vdda-csi35-0p9-supply:
+    description:
+      Phandle to a 0.9V regulator supply to CSIPHY3 and CSIPHY5 IP blocks.
+  vdda-csi01-1p2-supply:
+    description:
+      Phandle to a 1.2V regulator supply to CSIPHY0 and CSIPHY1 IP blocks.
+  vdda-csi24-1p2-supply:
+    description:
+      Phandle to a 1.2V regulator supply to CSIPHY2 and CSIPHY4 IP blocks.
+  vdda-csi35-1p2-supply:
+    description:
+      Phandle to a 1.2V regulator supply to CSIPHY3 and CSIPHY5 IP blocks.
+  - compatible
+  - reg
+  - reg-names
+  - clocks
+  - clock-names
+  - interconnects
+  - interconnect-names
+  - interrupts
+  - interrupt-names
+  - iommus
+  - power-domains
+  - power-domain-names
+additionalProperties: false
+  - |
+    #include <dt-bindings/clock/qcom,sm8650-camcc.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/clock/qcom,sm8650-gcc.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,sm8650-rpmh.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
+    soc {
+        #address-cells = <2>;
+        #size-cells = <2>;
+        isp@acb8000 {
+            compatible = "qcom,sm8650-camss";
+            reg = <0 0x0acb8000 0 0x1000>,
+                  <0 0x0acba000 0 0x1000>,
+                  <0 0x0acbc000 0 0x1000>,
+                  <0 0x0accb000 0 0x1000>,
+                  <0 0x0acd0000 0 0x1000>,
+                  <0 0x0acb6000 0 0x1000>,
+                  <0 0x0ace4000 0 0x2000>,
+                  <0 0x0ace6000 0 0x2000>,
+                  <0 0x0ace8000 0 0x2000>,
+                  <0 0x0acea000 0 0x2000>,
+                  <0 0x0acec000 0 0x2000>,
+                  <0 0x0acee000 0 0x2000>,
+                  <0 0x0ac62000 0 0xf000>,
+                  <0 0x0ac71000 0 0xf000>,
+                  <0 0x0ac80000 0 0xf000>,
+                  <0 0x0accc000 0 0x2000>,
+                  <0 0x0acd1000 0 0x2000>;
+            reg-names = "csid0",
+                        "csid1",
+                        "csid2",
+                        "csid_lite0",
+                        "csid_lite1",
+                        "csid_wrapper",
+                        "csiphy0",
+                        "csiphy1",
+                        "csiphy2",
+                        "csiphy3",
+                        "csiphy4",
+                        "csiphy5",
+                        "vfe0",
+                        "vfe1",
+                        "vfe2",
+                        "vfe_lite0",
+                        "vfe_lite1";


+            clocks = <&camcc CAM_CC_CAMNOC_AXI_NRT_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CAMNOC_AXI_RT_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CPAS_AHB_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CPAS_FAST_AHB_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CPAS_IFE_0_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CPAS_IFE_1_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CPAS_IFE_2_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CPAS_IFE_LITE_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSID_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSIPHY0_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSI0PHYTIMER_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSI1PHYTIMER_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSIPHY1_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSI2PHYTIMER_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSIPHY2_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSI3PHYTIMER_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSIPHY3_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSI4PHYTIMER_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSIPHY4_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSI5PHYTIMER_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSIPHY5_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_CSID_CSIPHY_RX_CLK>,
+                     <&gcc GCC_CAMERA_AHB_CLK>,
+                     <&gcc GCC_CAMERA_HF_AXI_CLK>,
+                     <&gcc GCC_CAMERA_SF_AXI_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_QDSS_DEBUG_XO_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_IFE_0_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_IFE_0_FAST_AHB_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_IFE_1_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_IFE_1_FAST_AHB_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_IFE_2_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_IFE_2_FAST_AHB_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_IFE_LITE_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_IFE_LITE_AHB_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_IFE_LITE_CPHY_RX_CLK>,
+                     <&camcc CAM_CC_IFE_LITE_CSID_CLK>;
+            clock-names = "camnoc_axi_nrt",
+                          "camnoc_axi_rt",
+                          "cpas_ahb",
+                          "cpas_fast_ahb",
+                          "cpas_vfe0",
+                          "cpas_vfe1",
+                          "cpas_vfe2",
+                          "cpas_vfe_lite",
+                          "csid",
+                          "csiphy0",
+                          "csiphy0_timer",
+                          "csiphy1",
+                          "csiphy1_timer",
+                          "csiphy2",
+                          "csiphy2_timer",
+                          "csiphy3",
+                          "csiphy3_timer",
+                          "csiphy4",
+                          "csiphy4_timer",
+                          "csiphy5",
+                          "csiphy5_timer",
+                          "csiphy_rx",
+                          "gcc_ahb_clk",
+                          "gcc_axi_hf",
+                          "gcc_axi_sf",
+                          "qdss_debug_xo",
+                          "vfe0",
+                          "vfe0_fast_ahb",
+                          "vfe1",
+                          "vfe1_fast_ahb",
+                          "vfe2",
+                          "vfe2_fast_ahb",
+                          "vfe_lite",
+                          "vfe_lite_ahb",
+                          "vfe_lite_cphy_rx",
+                          "vfe_lite_csid";


+            interrupts = <GIC_SPI 601 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 603 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 431 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 605 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 376 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 477 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 478 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 479 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 448 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 122 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 89 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 602 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 604 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 688 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 606 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
+                         <GIC_SPI 377 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
+            interrupt-names = "csid0",
+                              "csid1",
+                              "csid2",
+                              "csid_lite0",
+                              "csid_lite1",
+                              "csiphy0",
+                              "csiphy1",
+                              "csiphy2",
+                              "csiphy3",
+                              "csiphy4",
+                              "csiphy5",
+                              "vfe0",
+                              "vfe1",
+                              "vfe2",
+                              "vfe_lite0",
+                              "vfe_lite1";


+            interconnects = <&gem_noc MASTER_APPSS_PROC 0 &config_noc SLAVE_CAMERA_CFG 0>,
+                            <&mmss_noc MASTER_CAMNOC_HF 0 &mc_virt SLAVE_EBI1 0>;
+            interconnect-names = "ahb",
+                                 "hf_0_mnoc";


+            iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x800 0x20>,
+                     <&apps_smmu 0x18a0 0x40>,
+                     <&apps_smmu 0x1860 0x00>;


+            power-domains = <&camcc CAM_CC_IFE_0_GDSC>,
+                            <&camcc CAM_CC_IFE_1_GDSC>,
+                            <&camcc CAM_CC_IFE_2_GDSC>,
+                            <&camcc CAM_CC_TITAN_TOP_GDSC>;
+            power-domain-names = "ife0", "ife1", "ife2", "top";
+            vdda-csi01-0p9-supply = <&vreg_0p9>;
+            vdda-csi01-1p2-supply = <&vreg_1p2>;
+            ports {
+                #address-cells = <1>;
+                #size-cells = <0>;
+                port@1 {
+                    reg = <1>;
+                    csiphy1_ep: endpoint {
+                        clock-lanes = <4>;
+                        data-lanes = <0 1>;
+                        remote-endpoint = <&camera_sensor>;
+                    };
+                };
+            };
+        };
+    };

Other than the patternProperties and newlines looks OK to me.


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