Re: [ANN v2] Media Summit 2025: Nice in May or Amsterdam in August?

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Hi all,

I can confirm that the Media Summit will be held in Nice. I hope to be able to
post more details by the end of this week.



On 10/03/2025 18:23, Paul Kocialkowski wrote:
> Hi,
> Le Thu 27 Feb 25, 11:05, Hans Verkuil a écrit :
>> Just a friendly reminder to reply if you want to attend the Media Summit, and
>> if so, which place works for you.
>> Currently the preference seems to be Nice.
> I will also attend Embedded Recipes in Nice and really unsure about ELCE in
> Amsterdam. Like Nicolas pointed out, it's an expensive trip with less and less
> technical value. I feel like it's mostly interesting to get business
> visibility and see people from the community.
> I'd be interested to talk about stateless video encoding uAPI topics there.
> Cheers,
> Paul
>> On 20/02/2025 11:24, Hans Verkuil wrote:
>>> [Repost because I mixed up a Lyon and Nice, and to provide more info on the other
>>>  events that take place in Nice. Also added Kevin Hilman to the CC list.]
>>> Hi all,
>>> We want to organize a Media Summit this year as well to meet each other face-to-face.
>>> We try to co-locate with an existing conference, and this year there are two options:
>>> 1) Co-locate with the Embedded Recipes conference in Nice in France which is held on May 14-16:
>>>    So a media summit would probably take place on May 11 or 12.
>>>    This conference is a one room, one track format. But the room holds up to 200
>>>    people and the expectation is that it is not a problem to get tickets for it.
>>>    And we might be able to reserve some tickets for us as well.
>>>    There is a libcamera workshop on Friday, and AFAIK a pipewire workshop on the same day.
>>>    GStreamer plans an event during the weekend after ER.
>>> 2) Co-locate with the Open Source Summit Europe in Amsterdam which is held on August 25-27.
>>>    The Embedded Linux Conference Europe is part of that event. The summit would
>>>    probably be on August 24 or 28.
>>> I know that getting permission to travel is still a problem for many, which is why we
>>> try to co-locate with a larger event.
>>> So: if you are a core media maintainer or an active media developer, and want to join
>>> the Media Summit, which of these two options would work for you?
>>> If possible, I would like to get an idea of what I can expect in about two weeks time.
>>> I'll send out a reminder in about a week as well.
>>> Feel free to forward this if you know other people who might be interested.
>>> If you haven't been to one of these Media Summits before, then you can find the report
>>> on last year's summit here:
>>> That should give you an idea of what to expect.
>>> Regards,
>>> 	Hans

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