[PATCH V7 0/4] media: i2c: imx334: Add support for 1280x720 & 640x480 resolutions

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From: Shravan Chippa <shravan.chippa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

v6 -> v7:
Add new patch: common reg value correction

v5 -> v6:
split the patches from two to three
1) Optimized the resolution arrays by integrating a common register array
2) 3840x2160 mode restored with reset values of imx334
3) 1280x720@30 and 640x480@30 resolutions 

v4 -> v5:
Divided the patch into two separate patches:
- One for common register array values with existing resolutions
- Another for new modes supporting 640x480 and 1280x720 resolutions

v3 -> v4:
In response to the review request, the dependency of the common register
value array on the 445M link frequency has been eliminated.
Although I do not have a test setup for 4k resolution at an 819M
link frequency, I have made adjustments based on the IMX334 data sheet,
the latest 4k resolution, and the common register value array. 
Additionally, the 4k resolution has been switched to master mode to
ensure consistency with other resolutions that also use master mode.

v2 -> v3:
removied blank lines reported by media CI robot 

v1 -> v2:
Optimized the resolution arrays by added common register


Shravan Chippa (4):
  media: i2c: imx334: Optimized 4k and 2k mode register arrays
  media: i2c: imx334: common reg value correction
  media: i2c: imx334: update mode_3840x2160_regs array
  media: i2c: imx334: add modes for 720p and 480p resolutions

 drivers/media/i2c/imx334.c | 205 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 103 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)


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