Re: [PATCH v5 01/10] dt-bindings: media: Add amlogic,c3-mipi-csi2.yaml

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On 22/01/2025 14:36, Jacopo Mondi wrote:
>>>> +  assigned-clocks: true
>>>> +
>>>> +  assigned-clock-rates: true
>>> NAK
>>> Adding new properties *INVALIDATES REVIEW*. Otherwise you can sneak
>>> whatever crap past reviewers.
>>> Drop all new properties and drop my review tag.
>> OK, will drop all new properties and drop your review tag. Thanks
> Krzysztof why should new properties added in-between two revisions be
> dropped ?

You connected two independent issues.

It is not that some new properties should be dropped, because I don't
like new stuff. It's that these two particular properties - added in
this version, but that's coincidence - are not appropriate and should be
dropped because of that reason: not appropriateness.

> I understand the "drop my tag if you make changes" but I don't get why
> the newly added properties should be removed.

They are neither needed, nor beneficial. Core schema provides them.

Best regards,

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