Re: [GIT PULL FOR 6.9] Mediatek MT8186 encoder & media fix

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Il 21/03/24 11:55, Hans Verkuil ha scritto:
On 13/03/2024 2:20 pm, Sebastian Fricke wrote:
Hey Mauro & Hans,

just a small media change, a little DT binding change and otherwise DTS

Please pull.

The following changes since commit b14257abe7057def6127f6fb2f14f9adc8acabdb:

   media: rcar-isp: Disallow unbind of devices (2024-03-07 16:35:13 +0100)

are available in the Git repository at: tags/for-6.9-mt8186-video-encoder

for you to fetch changes up to 48241e83cc161c24745a04c5660808b31a0ffe77:

   arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8186: Add venc node (2024-03-09 15:50:26 +0100)

One small media fix and a DT binding addition for a video encoder on the

Eugen Hristev (5):
       media: mediatek: vcodec: fix possible unbalanced PM counter
       dt-bindings: media: mtk-vcodec-encoder: fix non-vp8 clock name
       arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8192: fix vencoder clock name
       dt-bindings: media: mtk-vcodec-encoder: add compatible for mt8186
       arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8186: fix VENC power domain clocks

Kyrie Wu (1):
       arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8186: Add venc node
I'm confused: I didn't check all 6 patches, but at least several have
already been merged in the mainline kernel.

At least the dt-bindings patches must have come through AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
based on the SoB, instead of going through the media maintainers.

The "media: mediatek: vcodec: fix possible unbalanced PM counter" patch, however,
is marked as Accepted, but it isn't in mainline.

I *think* that Angelo intended to merge the dts changes only, and accidentally
included the dt-bindings as well?


At this point there's just one commit to pick for you (fix possible unbalanced...)
Will be more careful next time, sorry about that.


Regardless, this PR is messed up. Sebastian, can you dig into this?



  .../bindings/media/mediatek,vcodec-encoder.yaml    | 31 +++++++++++-----------
  arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/mt8186.dtsi           | 23 +++++++++++++++-
  arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/mt8192.dtsi           |  2 +-
  .../mediatek/vcodec/encoder/mtk_vcodec_enc_pm.c    |  4 ++-
  .../mediatek/vcodec/encoder/mtk_vcodec_enc_pm.h    |  2 +-
  .../platform/mediatek/vcodec/encoder/venc_drv_if.c |  5 +++-
  6 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)


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