On 10 September 2023 at 04:33 am, Deborah Brouwer wrote:
> This is not debug code. I made the change to fix the latency and
> frame drop issues
> that were otherwise occurring with vb2; as I said in the cover letter
to v3:
> "- remove the last four lines in interlaced,
> sequential top/bottom, and alternating buffers
> to prevent long latency and frame drops
> (this is instead of just enabling the existing
> VCR hack by default);"
> However, if your testing shows that it isn't needed, then it would be
> fine to remove this
> code and just let the user enable the "vcr hack" as needed. This was
> my original approach
> in v2, but I thought you had said at the time that you were seeing
> massive framedrops in v2?
> I didn't notice this green line before because I was testing in qv4l2
> with the default
> Pixel Format : 'BGR3' (24-bit BGR 8-8-8) whereas tvtime is using
> YUYV' (YUYV 4:2:2)
> One fix that worked for me was to adjust the "OverScan" configuration
in tvtime
> so that it is at least 3.5. The /etc/tvtime/tvtime.xml configuration
> file recommends
> even higher at 8.0. Christian, please try adjusting the overscan
> value to see if
> that is a possible solution as well.
> Thanks,
> Deb
Hi Deb,
It works! :-)
I adjusted the OverScan configuration to 3.5 today (.tvtime/tvtime.xml)
and this solved this issue.
Thanks a lot!