while packaging the v4l-utils master branch for the Ubuntu PPA[1] I
noticed two issues:
On 23.02.23 17:44, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
+dep_libbpf = dependency('bpf', required : get_option('bpf'), version : '>=0.7')
+if not dep_libbpf.found()
+ dep_libbpf = cc.find_library('bpf', has_headers: 'bpf/bpf.h', required : get_option('bpf'))
Ubuntu Jammy contains libbpf 1:0.5.0-1ubuntu22.04.1. Therefore the first
dep_libbpf check fails due to the version constraint. But the second
check for the header succeeds. Afterwards the build fails due to the too
old libbpf.
What's the reason for the fallback? I guess new enough versions of
libbpf always ship a pkgconfig file.
+git_sha = run_command(prog_git, '-C', meson.project_source_root(), 'rev-parse', '--short=12', 'HEAD',
+ check : true).stdout().strip()
+conf.set('GIT_SHA', git_sha)
+git_commit_cnt = run_command(prog_git, '-C', meson.project_source_root(), 'rev-list', '--count', 'HEAD',
+ check : true).stdout().strip()
+conf.set('GIT_COMMIT_CNT', '-' + git_commit_cnt)
+git_commit_date = run_command(prog_git, '-C', meson.project_source_root(), 'show', '--quiet',
+ '--date=format-local:%F %T', '--format=%cd',
+ env : ['TZ=UTC'], check : true).stdout().strip()
+conf.set('GIT_COMMIT_DATE', git_commit_date)
In Debian / Ubuntu we built from a published tarball (created by meson
dist). It does not contain a .git directory and therefore those checks fail.
I created a patch to work-around the issue:
But I'm not too fluent in Meson, yet.
[1] https://code.launchpad.net/~libv4l/+recipe/v4l-utils-master