Suppose I am streaming 2048x1536 YUV images from a sensor into the OMAP.
I am piping it through the resizer to drop it to 640x480 for display. So
I am reading from /dev/video6 (resizer) and have the media bus links
setup appropriately. Now the user presses the shutter button. What is
the recommended way to read a single full resolution image?
It seems there are several options:
1. Reconfigure the media bus and read a single single full resolution
image out of the CCDC output on /dev/video2 and then
reconfigure it back to video mode.
2. Reconfigure the resizer to stop downsampling but instead output the
full resolution image for a single frame.
Do I need to stop the stream while doing either option?
These seem like clunky and slow options, though.
Is there a way to setup the media bus links so that I can actually have
handles to /dev/video2 and /dev/video6 open simultaneously? Then I can
normally read from /dev/video6 and then read single frames from
/dev/video2 whenever the user presses the shutter button?
I have noticed there is a some ISP_PIPELINE_STREAM_SINGLESHOT streaming
states in the isp code, but I don't what it is for or how to use it. Is
it related to my questions at all?
It gets even more complex if I want the streaming the video out of the
sensor at a lower resolution (for higher video rates) and want to change
the resolution of the sensor for the snapshot.
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