Re: [PATCH 00/26] dvb-usb: use designated initializers

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(adding Benjamin Stürz and link to series)

On Mon, 2022-03-28 at 22:41 +0200, Mauro Carvalho Chehab wrote:
> There are two DVB USB cores on media. The new one (dvb-usb-v2)
> solves several problems with the previous one, but, unfortunately,
> there are several drivers that weren't migrated yet.
> One of the problems with dvb-usb is that, besides the common
> DVB USB table, it also uses a per-device table which require
> links to the USB ID table.
> This is done, on most drivers, using a magic number, which is easy
> to get outdated.
> Rewrite the drivers in order to use an enum and use designated
> initializers where needed.
> This patch series was inspired on this patch:
> While it would be nice to also change the tables to be const, this
> is currently not possible, as a couple drivers that depend on the
> dvb-usb struct depend on it to not be const.
> Writing a patch series like that and making it properly referencing
> the right entries is not fun. That's most drivers were never fixed.
> So, I ended using a script to change it, adding several checks on
> it, in order to avoid the risk of problems.

fancy script, nice...

> Even so, I needed to manually adjust some patches.
> This is the used script:
> <script>
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Text::Tabs;
> use File::Find;
> my $usb_id_pre = "";
> my $usb_id_end = "";
> my %vid;
> my %pid;
> my %pid_count;
> my $state = "pre";
> sub out_ids()
> {
> 	open OUT, "> include/media/dvb-usb-ids.h" or die;
> 	print OUT $usb_id_pre;
> 	foreach my $k(sort keys %vid) {
> 		my $ln = sprintf "#define USB_VID_%-31s %s\n", $k, $vid{$k};
> 		$ln = unexpand($ln);
> 		print OUT $ln;
> 	}
> 	print OUT "\n/* Product IDs */\n\n";
> 	foreach my $k(sort keys %pid) {
> 		my $ln = sprintf "#define USB_PID_%-39s %s\n", $k, $pid{$k};
> 		$ln = unexpand($ln);
> 		print OUT $ln;
> 	}
> 	print OUT $usb_id_end;
> 	close OUT;
> }
> my @enum;
> sub validate_model($$)
> {
> 	my $my_vid = $1;
> 	my $my_pid = $2;
> 	if (!$vid{$my_vid}) {
> 		print "$.# ERROR! VID: $my_vid\n";
> 		return "";
> 	}
> 	if (!$pid{$my_pid}) {
> 		print "$.# ERROR! PID: $my_pid\n";
> 		return "";
> 	}
> 	my $tmp_vid = $my_vid;
> 	$tmp_vid =~ s/_ELECTRONIC$//;
> 	$tmp_vid =~ s/_MICRO$//;
> 	$tmp_vid =~ s/_1$//;
> 	$tmp_vid =~ s/_2$//;
> 	$tmp_vid =~ s/_UNK$//;
> 	$tmp_vid =~ s/GTEK/GENIATECH/;
> 	# Change model name to be different
> 	my $model = $tmp_vid . "_" . $my_pid;
> 	return $my_pid if ($my_pid =~ /$tmp_vid[_]/ && !grep(/^$my_pid$/, @enum));
> 	print "NEW model: $model\n";
> 	# Add the new PID to include/media/dvb-usb-ids.h
> 	$pid{$model} = $pid{$my_pid};
> 	$pid_count{$my_pid}--;
> 	# Drop unused PIDs
> 	if (!$pid_count{$my_pid}) {
> 		delete ($pid{$my_pid});
> 		print "Drop: $my_pid\n";
> 	}
> 	return $model if (!grep(/^$model$/, @enum));
> 	print "$.# ERROR! Model $model aready exists\n";
> 	return "";
> }
> sub count_pid()
> {
> 	my $file = $File::Find::name;
> 	return if (!($file =~ /[.][ch]/));
> 	open IN, $file or die "Can't open $file";
> 	while (<IN>) {
> 		if (/USB_PID_([\w\_]+)/) {
> 			$pid_count{$1}++;
> 			next;
> 		}
> 	}
> 	close IN;
> }
> open IN, "include/media/dvb-usb-ids.h" or die;
> while (<IN>) {
> 	if (/#define\s+USB_VID_(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
> 		$state = "vid";
> 		$vid{$1} = $2;
> #print "VID: $1 -> $2\n";
> 		next;
> 	}
> 	if (/#define\s+USB_PID_(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
> 		$state = "pid";
> 		$pid{$1} = $2;
> #print "PID: $1 -> $2\n";
> 		next;
> 	}
> 	if ($state eq "pre") {
> 		$usb_id_pre .= $_;
> 	} elsif ($state eq "pid") {
> 		$usb_id_end .= $_;
> 	}
> }
> close IN;
> find({wanted => \&count_pid, no_chdir => 1}, "drivers/media/usb/");
> while (scalar @ARGV) {
> 	@enum = ();
> 	my @dev_id;
> 	my $usb_dev_id_table;
> 	my $out = "";
> 	my $should_write = 1;
> 	my $file = $ARGV[0];
> 	print "Processing $file...\n";
> 	open IN, $file or die "Can't open $1";
> 	my $entry = "";
> 	my $pos = 0;
> 	while (<IN>) {
> 		if (m/struct\s.*usb_device_id\s+([\w\_]+).*{/) {
> 			$usb_dev_id_table = $1;
> 		}
> 		if (!$usb_dev_id_table) {
> 			$out .= $_;
> 			next;
> 		}
> 		if (m,\/\*\s*(\d+)\s*\*\/,) {
> 			if ($1 != $pos) {
> 				printf "$.# ERROR! Count is wrong! Want %d, got %d\n", $pos, $1;
> 				$should_write = 0;
> 				last;
> 			}
> 		}
> 		$pos++ if (m/USB_DEVICE/);
> 		last if (m/^}\s*;/);
> 		$entry .= $_;
> 		next if (!(m/}\s*,/));
> 		if ($entry =~ m/USB_DEVICE\(USB_VID_([\w\_]+)\s*,\s*USB_PID_([\w\_]+)/) {
> 			my $my_vid = $1;
> 			my $my_pid = $2;
> 			my $model = validate_model($my_vid, $my_pid);
> 			if ($model eq "") {
> 				$should_write = 0;
> 				last;
> 			}
> 			push @enum, $model;
> 			push @dev_id, "DVB_USB_DEV($my_vid, $model)";
> 			print "DVB_USB_DEV($my_vid, $model)\n";
> 		}
> 		if ($entry =~ m/USB_DEVICE_VER\(USB_VID_([\w\_]+)\s*,\s*USB_PID_([\w\_]+)\s*,\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*(\w+)/) {
> 			my $my_vid = $1;
> 			my $my_pid = $2;
> 			my $lo = $3;
> 			my $hi = $4;
> 			my $model = validate_model($my_vid, $my_pid);
> 			if ($model eq "") {
> 				$should_write = 0;
> 				last;
> 			}
> 			push @enum, $model;
> 			push @dev_id, "DVB_USB_DEV_VER($my_vid, $model, $lo, $hi)";
> 			print "DVB_USB_DEV_VER($my_vid, $model, $lo, $hi)\n";
> 		}
> 		$entry = "";
> 	}
> 	if ($should_write && scalar(@enum) != $pos) {
> 		printf "ERROR! Count is wrong! Want %d, got %d\n", $pos, scalar(@enum);
> 		$should_write = 0;
> 	}
> 	if ($usb_dev_id_table && $should_write) {
> 		$out .= "enum {\n";
> 		for my $e (@enum) {
> 			$out .= "\t$e,\n";
> 		}
> 		$out .= "};\n\n";
> 		$out .= "static struct usb_device_id $usb_dev_id_table\[\] = {\n";
> 		for my $e (@dev_id) {
> 			$out .= "\t$e,\n";
> 		}
> 		$out .= "\t{ }\n";
> 		$out .= "};\n\n";
> 		my $start = 1;
> 		while (<IN>) {
> 			next if ($start && m/^$/);
> 			$start = 0;
> 			while (m/$usb_dev_id_table\[(\d+)\]/g) {
> 				my $i = $1;
> 				if ($1 > scalar @enum) {
> 					print "ERROR! $usb_dev_id_table element $1 doesn't exist!\n";
> 					$should_write = 0;
> 					last;
> 				}
> 				my $idx = $enum[$1];
> 				if (!(s,($usb_dev_id_table)\[$i\],$1\[$idx],g)) {
> 					print "ERROR! can't replace $1!\n";
> 					$should_write = 0;
> 					last;
> 				}
> 			}
> 			$out .= $_;
> 		}
> 		close IN;
> 	} else {
> 		while (<IN>) {
> 			$out .= $_;
> 		}
> 		print "\tunchanged\n";
> 		$should_write = 0;
> 	}
> 	if ($should_write || $file eq "include/media/dvb-usb-ids.h") {
> 		open OUT, ">$file" or die "Can't write on file $file";
> 		print OUT $out;
> 		close OUT;
> 		printf "\twrote\n";
> 		out_ids();
> 	}
> 	shift @ARGV;
> }
> </script>
> Mauro Carvalho Chehab (26):
>   media: dvb-usb-ids.h: sort entries
>   media: dvb-usb: move USB IDs to dvb-usb-ids.h
>   media: dvb-usb: vp702x: reference to usb ID table
>   media: dvb-usb: Add helper macros for using USB VID/PID
>   media: dvb-usb: a800: use an enum for the device number
>   media: af9005: use the newer dvb-usb macros for USB device
>   media: dvb-usb: az6027: use an enum for the device number
>   media: cinergyT2-core: use the newer dvb-usb macros for USB device
>   media: cxusb: use the newer dvb-usb macros for USB device
>   media: digitv: use the newer dvb-usb macros for USB device
>   media: dvb-usb: dtt200u: use an enum for the device number
>   media: dtv5100: use the newer dvb-usb macros for USB device
>   media: dw2102: use the newer dvb-usb macros for USB device
>   media: dvb-usb: gp8psk: use an enum for the device number
>   media: dvb-usb: m920x: use an enum for the device number
>   media: dvb-usb: nova-t-usb2: use an enum for the device number
>   media: dvb-usb: opera1: use an enum for the device number
>   media: dvb-usb: pctv452e: use an enum for the device number
>   media: technisat-usb2: use the newer dvb-usb macros for USB device
>   media: dvb-usb: ttusb2: use an enum for the device number
>   media: dvb-usb: umt-010: use an enum for the device number
>   media: dvb-usb: vp702x: use an enum for the device number
>   media: dvb-usb: vp7045: use an enum for the device number
>   media: dvb-usb: dibusb-mb: use an enum for the device number
>   media: dvb-usb: dibusb-mc: use an enum for the device number
>   media: dvb-usb: dib0700_devices: use an enum for the device number
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/a800.c            |  18 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/af9005.c          |  19 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/az6027.c          |  45 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/cinergyT2-core.c  |  10 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c           |  88 +--
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c | 428 +++++++------
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mb.c       | 165 ++---
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mc.c       |  88 +--
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/digitv.c          |  13 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/dtt200u.c         |  56 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/dtv5100.c         |  11 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c          |  84 ++-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/gp8psk.c          |  36 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/m920x.c           |  51 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/nova-t-usb2.c     |  18 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/opera1.c          |  15 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/pctv452e.c        |  22 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/technisat-usb2.c  |  11 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/ttusb2.c          |  36 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/umt-010.c         |  18 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/vp702x.c          |  23 +-
>  drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/vp7045.c          |  28 +-
>  include/media/dvb-usb-ids.h                 | 632 +++++++++++---------
>  23 files changed, 1071 insertions(+), 844 deletions(-)

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