[PATCH] tm6000: rewrite copy_streams

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From: Stefan Ringel <stefan.ringel@xxxxxxxx>

fusion function copy streams and copy_packets to new function copy_streams.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Ringel <stefan.ringel@xxxxxxxx>
 drivers/staging/tm6000/tm6000-usb-isoc.h |    5 +-
 drivers/staging/tm6000/tm6000-video.c    |  326 +++++++++++-------------------
 2 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 212 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/staging/tm6000/tm6000-usb-isoc.h b/drivers/staging/tm6000/tm6000-usb-isoc.h
index 5a5049a..138716a 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/tm6000/tm6000-usb-isoc.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/tm6000/tm6000-usb-isoc.h
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ struct usb_isoc_ctl {
 	int				pos, size, pktsize;
 		/* Last field: ODD or EVEN? */
-	int				field;
+	int				vfield;
 		/* Stores incomplete commands */
 	u32				tmp_buf;
@@ -47,7 +47,4 @@ struct usb_isoc_ctl {
 		/* Stores already requested buffers */
 	struct tm6000_buffer    	*buf;
-		/* Stores the number of received fields */
-	int				nfields;
diff --git a/drivers/staging/tm6000/tm6000-video.c b/drivers/staging/tm6000/tm6000-video.c
index 4f7e743..9746fe7 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/tm6000/tm6000-video.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/tm6000/tm6000-video.c
@@ -186,229 +186,143 @@ const char *tm6000_msg_type[] = {
  * Identify the tm5600/6000 buffer header type and properly handles
-static int copy_packet(struct urb *urb, u32 header, u8 **ptr, u8 *endp,
-			u8 *out_p, struct tm6000_buffer **buf)
-	struct tm6000_dmaqueue  *dma_q = urb->context;
-	struct tm6000_core *dev = container_of(dma_q, struct tm6000_core, vidq);
-	u8 c;
-	unsigned int cmd, cpysize, pktsize, size, field, block, line, pos = 0;
-	int rc = 0;
-	/* FIXME: move to tm6000-isoc */
-	static int last_line = -2, start_line = -2, last_field = -2;
-	/* FIXME: this is the hardcoded window size
-	 */
-	unsigned int linewidth = (*buf)->vb.width << 1;
-	if (!dev->isoc_ctl.cmd) {
-		c = (header >> 24) & 0xff;
-		/* split the header fields */
-		size  = ((header & 0x7e) << 1);
-		if (size > 0)
-			size -= 4;
-		block = (header >> 7) & 0xf;
-		field = (header >> 11) & 0x1;
-		line  = (header >> 12) & 0x1ff;
-		cmd   = (header >> 21) & 0x7;
-		/* Validates header fields */
-		if(size > TM6000_URB_MSG_LEN)
-			size = TM6000_URB_MSG_LEN;
-		if (cmd == TM6000_URB_MSG_VIDEO) {
-			if ((block+1)*TM6000_URB_MSG_LEN>linewidth)
-				cmd = TM6000_URB_MSG_ERR;
-			/* FIXME: Mounts the image as field0+field1
-			 * It should, instead, check if the user selected
-			 * entrelaced or non-entrelaced mode
-			 */
-			pos= ((line<<1)+field)*linewidth +
-				block*TM6000_URB_MSG_LEN;
-			/* Don't allow to write out of the buffer */
-			if (pos+TM6000_URB_MSG_LEN > (*buf)->vb.size) {
-				dprintk(dev, V4L2_DEBUG_ISOC,
-					"ERR: size=%d, num=%d, line=%d, "
-					"field=%d\n",
-					size, block, line, field);
-				cmd = TM6000_URB_MSG_ERR;
-			}
-		} else {
-			pos=0;
-		}
-		/* Prints debug info */
-		dprintk(dev, V4L2_DEBUG_ISOC, "size=%d, num=%d, "
-				" line=%d, field=%d\n",
-				size, block, line, field);
-		if ((last_line!=line)&&(last_line+1!=line) &&
-		    (cmd != TM6000_URB_MSG_ERR) )  {
-			if (cmd != TM6000_URB_MSG_VIDEO)  {
-				dprintk(dev, V4L2_DEBUG_ISOC,  "cmd=%d, "
-					"size=%d, num=%d, line=%d, field=%d\n",
-					cmd, size, block, line, field);
-			}
-			if (start_line<0)
-				start_line=last_line;
-			/* Prints debug info */
-			dprintk(dev, V4L2_DEBUG_ISOC, "lines= %d-%d, "
-					"field=%d\n",
-					start_line, last_line, field);
-			if ((start_line<6 && last_line>200) &&
-				(last_field != field) ) {
-				dev->isoc_ctl.nfields++;
-				if (dev->isoc_ctl.nfields>=2) {
-					dev->isoc_ctl.nfields=0;
-					/* Announces that a new buffer were filled */
-					buffer_filled (dev, dma_q, *buf);
-					dprintk(dev, V4L2_DEBUG_ISOC,
-							"new buffer filled\n");
-					get_next_buf (dma_q, buf);
-					if (!*buf)
-						return rc;
-					out_p = videobuf_to_vmalloc(&((*buf)->vb));
-					if (!out_p)
-						return rc;
-					pos = dev->isoc_ctl.pos = 0;
-				}
-			}
-			start_line=line;
-			last_field=field;
-		}
-		if (cmd == TM6000_URB_MSG_VIDEO)
-			last_line = line;
-		pktsize = TM6000_URB_MSG_LEN;
-	} else {
-		/* Continue the last copy */
-		cmd = dev->isoc_ctl.cmd;
-		size= dev->isoc_ctl.size;
-		pos = dev->isoc_ctl.pos;
-		pktsize = dev->isoc_ctl.pktsize;
-	}
-	cpysize = (endp-(*ptr) > size) ? size : endp - *ptr;
-	if (cpysize) {
-		/* handles each different URB message */
-		switch(cmd) {
-		case TM6000_URB_MSG_VIDEO:
-			/* Fills video buffer */
-			memcpy(&out_p[pos], *ptr, cpysize);
-			break;
-		case TM6000_URB_MSG_PTS:
-			break;
-		case TM6000_URB_MSG_AUDIO:
-			/* Need some code to process audio */
-			printk ("%ld: cmd=%s, size=%d\n", jiffies,
-				tm6000_msg_type[cmd],size);
-			break;
-		case TM6000_URB_MSG_VBI:
-			break;
-		default:
-			dprintk (dev, V4L2_DEBUG_ISOC, "cmd=%s, size=%d\n",
-						tm6000_msg_type[cmd],size);
-		}
-	}
-	if (cpysize<size) {
-		/* End of URB packet, but cmd processing is not
-		 * complete. Preserve the state for a next packet
-		 */
-		dev->isoc_ctl.pos = pos+cpysize;
-		dev->isoc_ctl.size= size-cpysize;
-		dev->isoc_ctl.cmd = cmd;
-		dev->isoc_ctl.pktsize = pktsize-cpysize;
-		(*ptr)+=cpysize;
-	} else {
-		dev->isoc_ctl.cmd = 0;
-		(*ptr)+=pktsize;
-	}
-	return rc;
 static int copy_streams(u8 *data, unsigned long len,
 			struct urb *urb)
 	struct tm6000_dmaqueue  *dma_q = urb->context;
 	struct tm6000_core *dev= container_of(dma_q,struct tm6000_core,vidq);
-	u8 *ptr=data, *endp=data+len;
+	u8 *ptr=data, *endp=data+len, c;
 	unsigned long header=0;
 	int rc=0;
-	struct tm6000_buffer *buf;
-	char *outp = NULL;
-	get_next_buf(dma_q, &buf);
-	if (buf)
-		outp = videobuf_to_vmalloc(&buf->vb);
+	unsigned int cmd, cpysize, pktsize, size, field, block, line, pos = 0;
+	struct tm6000_buffer *vbuf;
+	char *voutp = NULL;
+	unsigned int linewidth;
-	if (!outp)
+	/* get video buffer */
+	get_next_buf (dma_q, &vbuf);
+	if (!vbuf)
+		return rc;
+	voutp = videobuf_to_vmalloc(&vbuf->vb);
+	if (!voutp)
 		return 0;
-	for (ptr=data; ptr<endp;) {
+	for (ptr = data; ptr < endp;) {
 		if (!dev->isoc_ctl.cmd) {
-			u8 *p=(u8 *)&dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf;
-			/* FIXME: This seems very complex
-			 * It just recovers up to 3 bytes of the header that
-			 * might be at the previous packet
-			 */
-			if (dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len) {
-				while (dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len) {
-					if ( *(ptr+3-dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len) == 0x47) {
-						break;
-					}
-					p++;
-					dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len--;
-				}
-				if (dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len) {
-					memcpy(&header, p,
-						dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len);
-					memcpy((u8 *)&header +
+			/* Header */
+			if (dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len > 0) {
+				/* from last urb or packet */
+				header = dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf;
+				if (4 - dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len > 0) {
+					memcpy ((u8 *)&header +
 						4 - dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len);
 					ptr += 4 - dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len;
-					goto HEADER;
+				dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len = 0;
+			} else {
+				if (ptr + 3 >= endp) {
+					/* have incomplete header */
+					dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len = endp - ptr;
+					memcpy (&dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf, ptr,
+						dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len);
+					return rc;
+				}
+				/* Seek for sync */
+				for (; ptr < endp - 3; ptr++) {
+					if (*(ptr + 3) == 0x47)
+						break;
+				}
+				/* Get message header */
+				header = *(unsigned long *)ptr;
+				ptr += 4;
-			/* Seek for sync */
-			for (;ptr<endp-3;ptr++) {
-				if (*(ptr+3)==0x47)
-					break;
+			/* split the header fields */
+			c = (header >> 24) & 0xff;
+			size = ((header & 0x7e) << 1);
+			if (size > 0)
+				size -= 4;
+			block = (header >> 7) & 0xf;
+			field = (header >> 11) & 0x1;
+			line  = (header >> 12) & 0x1ff;
+			cmd   = (header >> 21) & 0x7;
+			/* Validates haeder fields */
+			if (size > TM6000_URB_MSG_LEN)
+				size = TM6000_URB_MSG_LEN;
+			pktsize = TM6000_URB_MSG_LEN;
+			/* calculate position in buffer 
+			 * and change the buffer
+			 */
+			switch (cmd) {
+			case TM6000_URB_MSG_VIDEO:
+				if ((dev->isoc_ctl.vfield != field) && 
+					(field == 1)) {
+					/* Announces that a new buffer 
+					 * were filled 
+					 */
+					buffer_filled (dev, dma_q, vbuf);
+					dprintk (dev, V4L2_DEBUG_ISOC,
+							"new buffer filled\n");
+					get_next_buf (dma_q, &vbuf);
+					if (!vbuf)
+						return rc;
+					voutp = videobuf_to_vmalloc (&vbuf->vb);
+					if (!voutp)
+						return rc;
+				}
+				linewidth = vbuf->vb.width << 1;
+				pos = ((line << 1) - field - 1) * linewidth +
+					block * TM6000_URB_MSG_LEN;
+				/* Don't allow to write out of the buffer */
+				if (pos + size > vbuf->vb.size)
+					cmd = TM6000_URB_MSG_ERR;
+				dev->isoc_ctl.vfield = field;
+				break;
+			case TM6000_URB_MSG_AUDIO:
+			case TM6000_URB_MSG_VBI:
+			case TM6000_URB_MSG_PTS:
+				break;
-			if (ptr+3>=endp) {
-				dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len=endp-ptr;
-				memcpy (&dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf,ptr,
-					dev->isoc_ctl.tmp_buf_len);
-				dev->isoc_ctl.cmd=0;
-				return rc;
+		} else {
+			/* Continue the last copy */
+			cmd = dev->isoc_ctl.cmd;
+			size = dev->isoc_ctl.size;
+			pos = dev->isoc_ctl.pos;
+			pktsize = dev->isoc_ctl.pktsize;
+		}
+		cpysize = (endp - ptr > size) ? size : endp - ptr;
+		if (cpysize) {
+			/* copy data in different buffers */
+			switch (cmd) {
+			case TM6000_URB_MSG_VIDEO:
+				/* Fills video buffer */
+				if (vbuf)
+					memcpy (&voutp[pos], ptr, cpysize);
+				break;
+			case TM6000_URB_MSG_AUDIO:
+				/* Need some code to copy audio buffer */
+				break;
+			case TM6000_URB_MSG_VBI:
+				/* Need some code to copy vbi buffer */
+				break;
+			case TM6000_URB_MSG_PTS:
+				/* Need some code to copy pts */
+				break;
-			/* Get message header */
-			header=*(unsigned long *)ptr;
-			ptr+=4;
-		/* Copy or continue last copy */
-		rc=copy_packet(urb,header,&ptr,endp,outp,&buf);
-		if (rc<0) {
-			buf=NULL;
-			printk(KERN_ERR "tm6000: buffer underrun at %ld\n",
-					jiffies);
-			return rc;
+		if (ptr + pktsize > endp) {
+			/* End of URB packet, but cmd processing is not
+			 * complete. Preserve the state for a next packet
+			 */
+			dev->isoc_ctl.pos = pos + cpysize;
+			dev->isoc_ctl.size = size - cpysize;
+			dev->isoc_ctl.cmd = cmd;
+			dev->isoc_ctl.pktsize = pktsize - (endp - ptr);
+			ptr += endp - ptr;
+		} else {
+			dev->isoc_ctl.cmd = 0;
+			ptr += pktsize;
 	return 0;
@@ -507,7 +421,6 @@ static inline int tm6000_isoc_copy(struct urb *urb)
 	struct tm6000_dmaqueue  *dma_q = urb->context;
 	struct tm6000_core *dev= container_of(dma_q,struct tm6000_core,vidq);
-	struct tm6000_buffer *buf;
 	int i, len=0, rc=1, status;
 	char *p;
@@ -582,7 +495,6 @@ static void tm6000_uninit_isoc(struct tm6000_core *dev)
 	struct urb *urb;
 	int i;
-	dev->isoc_ctl.nfields = -1;
 	dev->isoc_ctl.buf = NULL;
 	for (i = 0; i < dev->isoc_ctl.num_bufs; i++) {
@@ -607,8 +519,6 @@ static void tm6000_uninit_isoc(struct tm6000_core *dev)
 	dev->isoc_ctl.num_bufs = 0;
-	dev->isoc_ctl.num_bufs=0;

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