Noob DVB-T2 experience: Mygica T230C2, CrazyCat, DVR w. output plugins, and friends...

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Dear everyone,

apologies for the intrusion, and for the talkative message... feel 
free to discard on the basis of TL;DR or OT.

I have some noob experience to share, and this looks like a pretty 
good place to document the status quo in its breadth.
I haven't found a companion "users" mailing list - so with a shaking 
hand, I'm posting here.

Whether you care to read this or not, your comments are welcome.

# Intro and background

I'm still a script kid, despite my bodily age racing forward.
And in my private life / hobbies, I'm proud to be a DIY freetard.

Where I live, in the Czech Republic in the post-commie eastern EU, 
terrestrial TV reception has a long tradition. The analog darkness 
came about in cca 2012 if memory serves - since then, we've been left 
with DVB-T, and it's been a semi-positive experience.
("digital" makes debugging antenna systems more difficult with just 
your naked eye, and there's wireless data barking at us just outside 
the fences both above 800 MHz and below 470 MHz, etc.)

DVB-T is an old story. But, within about 1 year, DVB-T will pass away 
too, and we'll be left with DVB-T2 (actually maybe more like just 
half a year from now, allegedly, in our particular area).
Our flavour of DVB-T2 is characteristic by HEVC encoding and 
apparently we will enjoy a high percentage of free-view programs (if 
not all, in the terrestrial transmission). Not sure if "enjoy" is the 
right vocabulary for various reasons, but that's a different story.
We will probably have some public TV channels in full HD and a flock 
of commercial channels in QHD and low bitrate, tightly packed in just 
a few "networks" (multiplexes) in massive wide-area SDN.

Obviously the world around is not standing still, there's the 
satellite coverage, there's IPTV in various flavours, even the late 
nineties twisted telco copper in the ground is still alive and 
kicking on VDSL2 steroids (FTTH won't happen for a long time) etc. 
Youngsters spend more time on YouTube than watching classic TV etc.
It almost feels like I'm "late and to the wrong party", trying to 
make DVB-T2 work for me...

I myself have lived through the DVB-T era with a Vestel T816 
twin-tuner PVR, which has its glitches but is generally bearable, and 
has some features that are shining bright, such as the massive 
tabular EPG with an integrated recording/scheduling capability. 
I have revamped two pieces of this PVR in my family with solid poly 
caps and that's how they will both manage to live to reach moral 
obsolescence in reasonable health.

I like the PVR box being separate from the TV display.
During the last year or two, I've been trawling the market for a 
replacement, capable of DVB-T2 - and all that I could see were 
small-brand PVR machines, imported in small quantities by... small 
traders, sometimes having downsides that make them impractical for 
our DVB-T2 flavour etc. Significantly more expensive than the old 
Vestel box, although not much better in terms of bells and whistles.

# Enter "Linux media" and HTPC

And, I've been eyeing the HTPC segment as well - wondering what it 
would take, or if it's possible at all, to build a "DIY twin-tuner T2 
PVR" using an x86 ATOM motherboard and some general-purpose Linux as 
the underlying OS. I know I know - there are the Raspberries and 
Odroids and specialized ARM SoC's that can do HEVC better than a 
Gemini Lake... but to me that's at the cost of some x86 freedom.

Apparently I'm not alone - there's a small group of people in this 
country, who are tinkering in vaguely the same direction, including 
some who have been using Linux-based DVB-T headends for several 

I have a nifty old RTL2832U dongle for SDR, especially useful 
with RTLSDR-scanner, for tuning the antenna systems for my family.
Obviously that's well supported in Linux and DVB-T only.

In order to "test the water", I decided to buy a basic USB dongle 
with DVB-T2 capability and see if I can make it work.
Friendly people in a local Linux forum have suggested two or three 
models of cheap hardware. Last year there were still some "Astrometa 
clones" with RTL2832P, with plausible driver support, which 
apparently have vanished from Aliexpress in early 2019 or so.
Another tip was a local importer selling the Mygica T230C2 (sold 
relabeled under a local private brand) - it is universally available 
around here and the word was, that it can be made to work in Linux, 
at the cost of some driver patching and kernel compilation.

To sum up, my goal for the trial was:
to plug in the Mygica, connect it to a decent antenna, scan the band, 
and get some moving picture (even if just a "slide show") on the 
screen, on scrap x86 hardware, to see that the signal chain is 
basically feasible, subject to further fine-tuning on tailor-made 
hardware for production use, if that route looks fruitful.

# Speaking of hardware

For my distro-tourism venture, I'm using a retired notebook PC.
The "platform" is a 65nm Core 2 Duo with i965GM north bridge
(containing the GMA-X3100 mobile IGP) with 2 GB of RAM.
The system is nowadays too feeble for modern Windows,
but feels fair enough for a basic Linux setup.
Fair enough, except possibly the VA capabilities - more on that 
below. I used to think that software decoding would be okay for the 
"proof of concept", but modulo practical software available, that 
guess was possibly too casual.

To feed the Mygica, I'm taking signal from an antenna system that 
I've been managing for years on our small residential block, on the 
cheap side. It's fine-tuned for the DVB-T transponder set that will 
soon become a matter of the past, but it also allows some T2 
transponders through, as the amp stack is not a proper "crate of 
highly selective channel blade inserts" - rather, the channel 
amplifiers are somewhat broad, so the nearby temporary T2 
transponders get through as well. By various measures, I'm keeping 
the CDMA and LTE interferences at bay, and I've somewhat de-tuned a 
nearby DVB-T transponder that's very strong, despite transmitting 
mostly junk programs (only good at overloading my headend PA).
I'm keeping the aggregate TX output of the headend's power amp
just below the level where THD starts to hamper reception for the 
In the house, I have several DVB-T and T2 receivers (among my 
neighbors) as a general "ballparking benchmark" of how the antenna 
system is doing, and I can judge details by RTLSDR_scanner.

# Kernel space: the driver

I was aware in advance, that the Mygica T230C2 was not supported in 
the vanilla kernel. I checked that in the "head" at, 
in drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c.

A local fellow tinkerer calling himself "no_body" has proposed a 
small patch set to vanilla, that would allegedly get the dongle to 
No_body himself did not submit the patch to vanilla upstream because 
he felt that his mod was too simple, the changes to demod init would 
not properly cater for the older T230 and T230C.
The older models did not bother me, so I massaged this patch into 
5.0.8 vanilla, which did not take much effort (there are differences 
to the original patch target i.e. 4.15.12, but the surrounding 
context is limited enough for me to understand.)
So I patched 5.0.8: added the PCI ID's into cxusb.c, also extended 
the "index enum", modded the demodulator driver to add the extra init 
commands, and... it turns out that no_body's mods still lack an 
update to the tuner hookup/init. I ended up with an error message 
from cxusb complaining about "unknown chip version Si21128",
referring to the tuner (si2141 was expected). 

Apparently CrazyCat has noticed that problem years ago:
and at the time he opined that, rather than a different chip version, 
it seemd that the expected tuner chip was at a different I2C address 
(or a different I2C host port? = my impression.)
In the current cxusb driver from CrazyCat, this problem is corrected.

I took a closer look at the function called
in cxusb.c. In the vanilla, that only knows the T230, this is a 
single function.
In his version of the driver, CrazyCat has two flavours of the 
frontend-attach function: one for T230, and a second version for 
T230C and T230C2. And, the contents of that function have changed 
significantly. Where the vanilla is using a rather crude and direct 
I2C access, CrazyCat has wrapped the tuner-related init into 
dedicated functions (apparently doing tuner chip auto-detection) and 
provided for the demod init code to be aware of what particular T230 
sub-model it's dealing with.
It looks like a nice cleanup on part of CrazyCat, and not a trivial 
one = I decided not to try to "port" those changes back into vanilla.

Instead, I downloaded CrazyCat's driver.
There are two options: I could download CrazyCat's whole kernel (some 
5.0-RC) or build just the driver (media subsystem) out of tree.
I chose the latter - with the "media_build" script by CrazyCat this 
is very easy, and it allows me to choose a kernel version that I like 
best. I chose 5.0.8 and later in my distro-tourism 5.0.10 (latest 
stable at the time).

As it turns out, a minor trouble with this is, that the driver built 
"out of tree" will taint the kernel (although it doesn't contain any 
binary blob). Ahh well... I respect that the kernel devs do know what 
they're doing.

Once the driver got compiled and loaded, the T230C2 dongle gets
properly detected and the real fun may begin: in the user space.
(In my case, apparently the dongle would only work right
if plugged in at runtime = if not present during Linux OS boot...
not sure why.)

With the CrazyCat drivers loaded, w_scan starts showing some signs of 
life: some multiplexes and programs get detected, and a channels.conf 
gets produced. The list of DVB-T / T2 carriers and programs is not 
necessarily complete and perfectly correct, but it's a fairly good 

Unfortunately, CrazyCat's DVB driver stack is perhaps not 100% 
API-compatible with the vanilla stack - which probably requires me
to recompile pretty much all user space DVB software against 
CrazyCat's header files... :-( This may seem limited to only to the 
immediate back-ends of PVR apps, but other reasons may force you to 
recompile the "user interface" layers as well, basically if the 
packaged software in the distro repos is outdated for DVB-T2,
or too old for the PVR/headend backend software, that just got 
updated and recompiled. Dependency hell.

# What's worse than the kernel? The user space.

I was aware beforehand, that DVB-T2 is still somewhat "hot news"
to Linux software - curious as it may sound, after years of field 
trials and gradual production roll-out taking place around here.
I knew I'd have to aim for fresh versions of all the software.

# Debian

Initially I started my experiments in Debian 9.8.
I know that the distro is conservative, and the versions of 
everything in the Debian "stable" strain is a little dated
- but I like the stability and I thought that perhaps I could cope,
at the cost of downloading some stuff from upstream sources.

So I wasn't very surprised that I needed to compile fresh versions
of many things from source, including some dependencies.
A fresh version of VDR was fairly undemanding, but a VDR output 
plugin would require a fresh VAAPI support (libva) and a fresh 
ffmpeg, which are moderately difficult to compile (lots of 

I took a look at the list of compilation dependencies of Kodi (like 
an A4 page of dense print), considered the relative difficulty of 
configuring a tvheadend, and skipped Kodi altogether - did not want 
to compile this from source. 
Actually I tried booting a USB stick with the latest LibreElec 
(featuring Kodi 18.1) but the prebuilt live image did not contain a 
driver for the Mygica (the cxusb module is vanilla) which turned me 
off. I've noticed brief hints of a "CrazyCat driver stack option 
pack", but for that I'd have to install LibreElec on the disk drive, 
and the installer warnded that it would wipe all data (including 
non-linux partitions?) which to me was like "why bother".
Based on the feature set, I actually don't like Kodi for my simple TV 
PVR app very much. It has lots of functions I do not need.

Another mediacenter project in Linux is the MythTV.
Which comes with a useful build script that takes care of 
dependencies, and compiles even on Debian 9.8.
After the installationg from source was over, I encountered an 
implicit generated MythTV password for MariaDB access, which Google 
helped me sort out...
I managed to get pretty far with MythTV, before the screeching halt 
finally came. The GUI did start just fine, both the mythtv-setup and 
the user front end, I was able to configure stuff - only when I tried 
to scan the band, the scanning process would always time out, never 
finding a single channel. I have noticed that the scanning submenu 
did show the Mygica DVB device and I even found an option to select 
from the Mygica's three "sub-devices" (possibly dedicated to DVB-C, 
DVB-T and ATSC) but neither of them resulted in a successful channel 
I noticed some further notes about MySQL/MariaDB side effects, advice 
to uninstall and reinstall the database, or to manually convert 
tables from MyISAM to InnoDB storage format... which seemd a little 
"over the top" to me, and not necessarily at the core of my problem. 
Later in the logs somewhere I have noticed an error message roughly 
along the lines of "couldn't read DVB response".
All in all I would bet that MythTV compiled against the 
systemwide/vanilla "v4l / linux media / uapi kernel headers", whereas 
the driver stack was CrazyCat's... and I haven't found a way of how 
to point the MythTV build script to the CrazyCat headers.
The CrazyCat's "include" directory actually contains some other 
modified header files, outside of the uapi subtree. I'd probably need 
to somehow prepend -I/$CRAZYCAT/include/linux/ into the CFLAGS, which 
I did not know how to do.
Which was when I gave up on MythTV as well.

The third mediacenter package that I turned my attention to, was the 
VDR. Surprisingly to me, this project is apparently less popular 
around here, compared to Kodi and MythTV.

There are several things that I like about the vdr:
1) it seems more compact than the other two, and there's more overlap 
between its feature set and my personal requirements. 
2) The GUI seems sweet: clean cut, lean and mean.
3) the principal author / maintainer is a German citizen, and IMO the 
Germans are front runners in DVB-T and now T2 deployment. Chances are 
that the community around VDR and its plugins could have all the 
constituent toys in relatively good shape.
4) it comes with a build system that allows me to redirect the 
include path to the CrazyCat subdirectory.

So I tried compiling VDR from source. VDR 2.4.0 with all the 
"developer" patches, which applied cleanly. 
First on the Debian 9.8. 
I managed to get all the dependencies.
When I faced errors against the Debianese (understandably reatively 
stale) VAAPI and FFMPEG, I recompiled those relatively big projects 
from source as well, in several iterations, as I kept finding out 
./configure options that I'd missed the first time around...

Curiously to me, the VDR does not have an inherent "display front 
end" out of the box. It relies on "output plugins", all of which 
appear to be 3rd-party projects. The output plugins have had quite a 
history of their own during the years, and it happens to be somewhat 
difficult to get "just something simple to display the GUI and video 
on my X desktop or DRI FB", while being up to date.

And the final result was, that I didn't manage to make it all work in 
Debian 9.8. The VDR itself did seem to work, did report locking onto 
a DVB-T TS, but the output plugins compiled from source would all 
result in a black screen. Either with an error message hinting at an 
attempt to free() a null pointer, or with a silent coredump.
Which I attributed to my obvious gross incompetence as a 
maintainer/developer (*cough*).

The w_scan also didn't seem to work quite right, but I left 
fine-tuning that for later - and I noticed the wirbelscan plugin for 
VDR, with fresh updates, which I hoped could replace w_scan 

At about this point I backed up useful data that I'd gathered so far, 
and decided to ditch Debian in favour of something closer to the 
bleeding edge. As I'm not a fan of rolling release distroes (Gentoo 
et al), I went for the latest proper "release" of a major progressive 
distro. I went for Ubuntu.

# Ubuntu

Two decades ago, I would've looked at RedHat/Fedora.
Today, I chose Ubuntu in general, as that has a reputation for 
strapping modern goodies on Debian-testing. And, within Ubuntu, I 
went for the newest short-lived release: currently the 19.04 - hoping 
that I'd get "reasonably fresh versions of everything for free" as a 
starting point, also hoping that the upstream developers of DVR etc. 
would be living in this kind of environment as well = that any 
compilation from source would have a chance of success.
Which proved to be somewhat right.

The first thing I did, I confirmed that the Mygica is not supported 
in the distro kernel. Next, I compiled CrazyCat's media stack out of 
tree against 5.0.10 vanilla, and installed that.

I ran w_scan to get a fresh channels.conf.
I noticed that it seems to skip some channels.
Sometimes it would skip DVB-T2 transponders altogether in its output,
but the last time around, it would properly export all the DVB-T2 it 
came across, but would skip a major (strongest) DVB-T public TV mux
at 570 MHz (CCIR channel 33)... curious, I may return to that later. 
Difficult for me to tell if this is due to bugs in w_scan, or the 
cxusb driver, or the Mygica hardware, or if my signal is too weak or 
too strong, or not pure enough (THD/IMD from the headend too high)
or what. Subject to further investigation.
Well at least I did get *some* list of channels to play with.

Unfortunately, the original w_scan is no longer maintained.
The last version is from January 2017.
This is also the distro version.
Maybe I can learn something from the source code,
but otherwise I was hoping to get better results from the wirbelscan 
plugin to VDR, which has some more recent updates. And I'd have to 
compile wirbelscan from source.

Next, I noticed that the stock VDR build in Disco allows me to get 
some SD image on the screen through the stock vdr-plugin-xine,
apparently through software MPEG2 decoding.
Yippee, finally I had a GUI and some picture.
Interestingly, just a single transponder (out of about 4 that I 
caught) would get the program streams actually displayed.
It was a single DVB-T mux, probably the strongest on a nearby 
hilltop. The DVB-T2 programs would not yield a picture on the screen, 
just the VDR GUI saying "no signal". Ho hum. That would hint at some  
problem between the VDR backend and my antenna system.
Or maybe XINE cannot display the QHD HEVC ?
Difficult to say... time for that later.

In the commandline stderr from 
   vdr -P"xine"
I have noticed repeated lines that the "TS is scrambled".
Which is not in fact true... could really mean garbled, rather than 
scrambled (encrypted). = yet another hint to potentially follow.

Next, I went on to recompile VDR 2.4.0+patches and some plugins from 
source, and as expected, this time I did not need to recompile VAAPI 

I managed to compile the wirbelscan plugin
Unfortunately the wirbelscancontrol did not compile, complaining 
about some unknown class members in VDR headers (if memory serves).
Without that, I won't ever see wirbelscan in the VDR OSD, if I 
understand correctly.
Ahh well.

As I'd like the output path to be as direct as possible,
I went looking for "the children of softhddevice",
itself no longer maintained. The latest appears to be:
That compiles, but VDR quits immediately if I try to load that. I'm 
attaching the /var/log/messages and /var/log/debug from the time 
period while vdr -P"vaapidevice" was trying to start.
Not much interesting in there... apart from
VAAPI: Failed to initialise VAAPI connection: -1899086224 ((null))
I've also tried stracing the vdr with the vaapidevice plugin,
but the only potentially interesting apparition in the strace log
was the hint at /etc/libva.conf . That file was missing.
I tried creating it, specifying only LIBVA_MESSAGING_LEVEL=2 
- but that did not change anything, did not yield more log output
in /var/log/debug or some such.

I've found notes that the error message from VAAPI could be due to 
the right driver file missing.
Not sure if this is the same symptom, but vainfo indicates something 
similar: it says it's trying to load a driver for the video decoding 
accel for the i965 IGP, finds the VAAPI driver file and the relevant
entry point, but the init routine returns with an error.
The driver is called
and it's clearly present on disk, so it is *not missing*.
But, I have my doubt if this driver can actually exploit the i965GM 
(GMA-X3100) hardware for MPEG2 video acceleration. The driver is also 
known as libva-intel-driver, and supposedly supports MPEG decode 
acceleration on younger chipsets only, starting from GMA-4500 
(4-series Intel chipsets).
Also the debian Wiki offers words of warning with respect to video 
decode offload into hardware: 
And I've found other people's opinions, that the i965GM was a first 
attempt at MPEG video accel, and it didn't turn out quite right in 
the silicon, so it's probably not supported in the VAAPI driver that 
actually carries the name of that early "video accelerated" chipset.
Anyway so this might be down to my stupid choice of hardware,
i.e. not all hope is lost, I plan to give vdr-plugin-vaapidevice 
another go on a more modern motherboard.

To possibly at least see the "VDR compiled from source" in action,
I've tried compiling the XINE output plugin from source.
I've tried three different source packages:
I wasn't able to compile either.
Downloading dependencies is all fine, 
but every time I end up with a missing C/C++ struct member
in some xine or VDR header - which is where I'm stuffed.

It's curious to me that the VDR source code does not contain an 
output plugin for generic PC graphics out of the box, inherently 
compatible with the same-version VDR backend - apparently the 
principal author has some PCI tuner cards with HW MPEG decode 
onboard, and maintains a dedicated output plugin for those. 

# closing notes

So this is how far I got.
Any hints / ideas are welcome, on any of the links in the signal 
chain or software stack.

I'm attaching a handful of log snippets - I hope they don't get 
filtered. The largest three files are in a zip, as they contain lots 
of compressible repeated 

If you'd like to test something on my hardware setup, just let me 
know. I can 
try things or maybe I could even arrange remote access to the machine 
Disco running and the cxusb dongle plugged in - and it doesn't have 
to be the 
old notebook, I could build something slightly more modern out of 
desktop hardware or some such.

I've noticed some patches from CrazyCat in the archive of this 
mailing list in 
2016-ish, but nothing since then... I can only speculate why he 
doesn't bother 
to post patches upstream anymore, and I do not want to fan any flames 
on this topic. My opinion is that this is sad, apparently he's doing 
a good job, his updates to cxusb and the related Silicon Image demod 
and tuner code appear to work and look elegant and to the point, in 
terms of coding style and structure.

If you've read this far, I'd like to thank you for your attention.

Frank Rysanek

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     Date:  1 May 2019, 19:09
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     Date:  1 May 2019, 19:09
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