So: it is a Realtek 2831 device.
Please first check /lib/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules.
There seems to be a generic problem with Karmac there.
Look at which gives
solution for the problem by installing a new rule:-
Under Ubuntu Karmac, I have heard that the anttip/rtl2831u driver works
(alas without IR support) with this workaround. Of the
jhoogenraad/rtl2831-2 I have no confirmation yet.
Which one have you downloaded ?
drappa wrote:
Jan Hoogenraad wrote:
Can you give us the USB ID
(type on the command line: lsusb, and report the output)
The U90 has a RTL2831 in it. More info on the driver on:
Hi Jan
USB ID is : 185b-0150 Compro
I built the driver as per the link but the device does not initialise.
Tested using an Ubuntu Studio Karmic installation with two afatech 9015
USB devices connected ok
drappa wrote:
Hi All
I'd be grateful if anyone can tell me if this device is supported
yet, and if so, any pointers to getting it working.
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Hoogenraad Interface Services
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